Saturday, December 28, 2013

Rodman Returns to North Korea

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Rodman claims to be looking to arrange a chain of goodwill basketball games between the North Korean men's team and a spread of NBA players. The primary game is scheduled for January 2014 -- slated for Kim Jong-un's birthday -- and the tentative plan is for the sport to be more good-natured than a gripping battle, with the NBA squad splitting up for the second one half and playing together with some North Korean players.

Rodman has said he hopes the games can assist thaw relations between North Korea and the U.S... but reaction world wide was mixed. Rodman also hasn't yet gotten firm committments from any NBA players to take part, something that may be harder within the wake of executions of varied North Korean politicians.

Rodman is being sponsored by online sportsbook Paddy Power, who has used Rodman in various promotional efforts centered on a few of their zanier prop bets. Paddy Power and Rodman originally linked up when a brand new Pope was being elected, with Rodman riding around Italy in a popemobile to check out to spin up interest within the papal prop bets Paddy Power offered.

The sportsbook was offering a money-back bet if the brand new pope was black, which the corporate did not have to pay out on when Pope Francis was elected. It was during that promotion that the theory hatched of sending Rodman to North Korea to establish a world basketball tournament, with Rodman ultimately making three trips to the rustic as a part of the efforts.

Kim Jong-un is reported to be an enormous basketball fan with the Chicago Bulls teams of yore a selected favorite of his. He and Rodman has been very chummy and frolicked on each of Rodman's trips -- an unlikely turn for the hard-partying basketball star who'd seemingly represent the entire excess within the Western world that North Korean leaders have publicly despised for decades.

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