Saturday, November 30, 2013

Texas Hold’em 101

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Many of us have watched Texas Holdem tournaments on television and it looks easy to play. However before you race all the way down to the casino and join a high stakes tournament you have to learn the fundamentals of the sport and get some playing experience in low limit games. The matches you notice on television are not any Limit Texas Hold’em games. That implies that at any time a player can bet all of his chips. This can be a great format for tournaments but as a beginning player it would be best to first discover ways to play Limit Texas Hold’em. Limit games have structured betting rounds and also you are limited to the amount of cash you'll be able to bet during each round. More precisely you'll want to play Low Limit Texas Hold’em as you learn the sport. One of the most low limit games you can see within the cardroom are have a betting structure of $2/4, $3/6 $4/8. Once you gain experience you'll move up the upper limits or No Limit in the event you desire, but you need to discover ways to walk before you'll run. Let me explain the sport after which come up with some winning how to start.

How to Play. Texas Hold’em is a deceptively simple game to be informed but a harder game to master. Each player is dealt two personal cards after which five community cards are turned up at the board. You're making the most productive five card hand using any combination of the seven cards. For this case we can use a low limit structure of $2/4. There are four betting rounds and the primary two have a limit of $2 and the last two rounds have a limit of $4. You need to bet or raise only the volume of the limit for that round.

The Start To start out a brand new hand, two "Blind" bets are publish or "Posted." The player immediately to the left of the dealer puts up or "posts" the small blind which half the minimum bet one dollar. The player to the left of the small blind posts the massive blind that is equal to the minimum bet that is two dollars for this game. The remainder of the players don't submit any money to start out the hand. For the reason that deal rotates across the table, each player will eventually act because the big blind, small blind and dealer.

The Opening Each player is dealt two cards face down with the player at the small blind receiving the primary card and the player with the dealer button getting the last card. The primary betting round begins with the player to the left of the large blind either setting up two dollars to name"" the blind bet, or putting in place four dollars to boost"" the massive blind or folding his hand. The betting goes across the table so as until it reaches the player who posted the small blind. That player can call the bet by setting up one dollar since a dollar blind was already posted. The last person to behave is the large blind. If no person has raised, the dealer will ask in the event that they would love the choice. This implies the massive blind has the choice to boost or simply "check."By checking the player doesn't installed any longer money. A rookie mistake sometimes occurs here. Since the blind is a live bet live, the player with the massive blind has already put his bet in. I'VE seen some players throw their cards in not realizing that they're already within the hand. Another rookie mistake is betting or folding your cards when it's not your turn. It's important to wait before you act.

The Flop After the primary betting round is completed, three cards are dealt and turned face up in the course of the table. That is referred to as the "Flop." These are community cards utilized by the entire players. Another betting round begins with the primary active player to the left of the dealer button. The bet for this round is again two dollars.

The Turn When the betting round after the flop is completed, the dealer turns a fourth card face up in the course of the table. That is called the "Turn." The bet after the turn is now four dollars and begins again with the primary active player to the left of the dealer.

The River Following the betting round for the turn, the dealer will turn a fifth and final card face up. That is called the "river," and the general betting round begins with four dollars being the minimum bet.

The Showdown To figure out the winner, the players may use any combination in their two hole cards and the five cards at the "Board" (Table) to form the top five-card hand. In some rare cases the most efficient hand would be the five cards on board. Don’t anticipate this happening too often. If that's the case the active players will split the pot. A sixth card isn't used to damage a tie.

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Leave the Bank cards Home

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!
The #1 rule of casino gambling is:


The casinos have a home edge on the entire games except certain video poker games, card counting in blackjack and live poker. We discuss with casino games as having a negative expectation. Because of this over the longer term the maths of the sport will grind away at your bankroll. The in-built house advantage is how the casinos make money. Certain games have a lower house edge than others. Video Poker, Blackjack and the passline bet in Craps have a low house edge. Roulette and slots have the next house advantage. It's the price we pay to play.

Proper money management tells us to budget a given amount to gamble with and stick with that amount, win lose or draw. This brings us to rule number two:


Unfortunately that may be exactly what you might be doing in case you run out of cash and judge to take a cash advance in your bank card on the casino. There also are hidden charges you can also over look when you choose to do that. I LATELY visited an East Coast casino and inquired concerning the finer points of taking a cash advance on a bank card. The casino charges you a specific amount only for issuing you a check out of your bank card for the money advance dependent on how much cash you wish to. get a $500 cash advance the charge was $21.99. That may be 4.4 % paid to the casino up front. Most bank card companies charge you 3% for a cash advance, that allows you to come to $15.66 (3% of $521.99.

You are already down $37.65 or 7.5% before you even sit to play. That is like sitting down at a five-dollar blackjack table and losing eight hands in a row or getting nothing back after putting three and a half roll of quarters through a slot machine. If this happened, most people would head for the door real fast, but you're just beginning.

The next month your bank card bill arrives. Your balance is $537.65. You furthermore may discover that on top of the 3 percent you needed to pay to borrow the money, the rate of interest for a cash advance is 5% higher than the traditional 15% you pay for purchases. Your new rate is 20 percent. Out of the goodness in their heart your bank card company will will let you make payments should you decide to not pay the balance in full. In reality all you need to do is a make minimum payment for the month. That is where people get into financial trouble. The general public don't realize the effects of creating minimum payments. It'll take an extended time to repay the debt than you could have imagined. Below is a chart showing what it is going to take to repay that $537 at 20 % interest.

Credit card debt is the bankruptcy of many of us at the present time. It's too easy to get caught up within the “Buy now Pay” later mentality. The chart below will hopefully put things in perspective. Every person people should hesitate the following time we reach for the “Plastic” to make a purchase order.

I know you want to take a bank card with you while you travel to acquire hotel and car reservations but they need to not be used for frivolous cash advances. Cash advances must be used for “Dire Emergencies” only! I don’t think a couple of more hands of blackjack or a couple of more pulls at the slot machine handle falls into this category.

Credit Card Repayment

Monthly Payments Time # of payments Total Amount Repaid
$49.74 1 year 12 $596.88
$27.33 2 year 24 $655.92
$19.96 3 years 36 $718.56
$16.34 4 years 48 $784.32
$14.23 5 years 60 $853.80

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!


Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

How one can Bet Basketball

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!
Betting on Basketball is the same to betting on Football. Either one of these sports use some extent spread otherwise you can bet at the money line. Many winning Handicappers know that betting on Basketball is more profitable then betting on Football as a result of sheer collection of games to make a choice from in conjunction with an overly long season. You'll be able to make a choice from the pro NBA games or the masses of NCAA college games. Once a year in March the NCAA hosts the tournament to figure out the Nation’s championship team. These series of elimination tournaments are referred to as “March Madness.” Here's what it's important to know to bet on Basketball.

How Sports Books Make MoneyThe casino Sports books make their money on sports bets by collecting a commission on losing bets. That is called the Vigorish or Vig for brief. The most typical odds are 11 to ten. Which means if you wish to win $100 you might be risking $110. For instance you set a raffle at the Giants on the casino sports book and pay $110. If the Celtics win you collect $210 whilst you cash your winning ticket. If you happen to lose your bet you lose the $110.

Ideally the Sports book want to have the same quantity of cash wagered at the two teams playing. If the Celtics are playing the Lakers and so they have one player betting at the Celtic and one player betting at the Lakers they'd pay the winner $100 but collect $110 for the loser. This offers them a $10 profit in order that they really don’t care who wins so long as they have got an equal amount bet on each team. To perform this they assign a line or spread to make the competition equally attractive for both sides.

The Point Spread Many of us think that the purpose spread is the expected margin of victory during which one team will beat another team but this isn't true. The road is the handicapper’s prediction of what percentage might be required to separate the wagering evenly on both teams. Because of this the road may change from the outlet line to the road at game time.

When you bet on a game with the purpose spread your team doesn't necessarily need to win. You simply want to cover the spread. If you happen to be Miami is favored to win by 7 and so they only win by 4 you lose. For those who bet Chicago who's a ten point under dog and so they only lose by 3 points then you definately win.

The Money LineA money line wager is a chance placed without the purpose spread. You might be betting at the team to win the sport outright that is also referred to as winning “Straight UP.” While you bet a game at the money line you'll have to pay odds rather then the traditional -110 that you'd pay for a straight bet using the purpose spread. Obviously if you wish to bet at the favorite to win straight up, you'll have to risk more to win less. In the event you bet at the underdog, you could possibly bet less to win more. The cash line bets are in keeping with a $100 bet. While you see a money line listed the favourite could have a figure with a minus symbol in front of it and the underdog can have a plus symbol in front of it.

For instance: The Boston Celtics are 5 point favorites over the Atlanta Hawks. The money line is listed as:Celtics -220Hawks +180

Should you desired to bet the Celtics at the money line you would need to wager $220 to win $100. If you wish to bet the underdog Hawks, you can wager $100 to win $180. Your team must win straight as much as win your bet.

Types of Bets A Straight bet is a gamble made on a single game or outcome. You'll decide to bet the favourite or the underdog otherwise you can bet the over or under of the entire score. You can too decide to bet the sport at the money line. With a straight bet you might be betting on a single event or outcome.

Totals - Over/Under You too can choose bet the over or the under for the sport total score. The over or the under is a wager at the total score on the end of the sport. You add the scores of both teams to get the general number. Whilst you bet the under you might be betting that the score can be under the overall. While you bet the over you're betting the score may be higher than the entire. As an example the general score of the sport is: Celtics 115 and Lakers 110. The entire of the sport is 225. You win in the event you bet over and the score was greater than 225 or when you bet under and the score was lower than 225. If the score was exactly 225 then it'd be a tie also known as a push.

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Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

The best way to Bet Basketball

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!
Betting on Basketball is identical to betting on Football. Either one of these sports use some degree spread otherwise you can bet at the money line. Many winning Handicappers know that betting on Basketball is more profitable then betting on Football due to the sheer collection of games to choose between along side an overly long season. You'll be able to make a choice from the pro NBA games or the masses of NCAA college games. Once a year in March the NCAA hosts the tournament to figure out the Nation’s championship team. These series of elimination tournaments are referred to as “March Madness.” Here's what it's important to know to bet on Basketball.

How Sports Books Make MoneyThe casino Sports books make their money on sports bets by collecting a commission on losing bets. That is called the Vigorish or Vig for brief. The most typical odds are 11 to ten. Because of this if you wish to win $100 you might be risking $110. For instance you put of venture at the Giants on the casino sports book and pay $110. If the Celtics win you collect $210 while you cash your winning ticket. In case you lose your bet you lose the $110.

Ideally the Sports book wish to have an identical quantity of cash wagered at the two teams playing. If the Celtics are playing the Lakers they usually have one player betting at the Celtic and one player betting at the Lakers they'd pay the winner $100 but collect $110 for the loser. This provides them a $10 profit so that they really don’t care who wins so long as they have got an equal amount bet on each team. To perform this they assign a line or spread to make the competition equally attractive for both sides.

The Point Spread Many of us think that the purpose spread is the anticipated margin of victory during which one team will beat another team but this isn't true. The road is the handicapper’s prediction of what percentage could be required to separate the wagering evenly on both teams. Because of this the road may change from the outlet line to the road at game time.

When you bet on a game with the purpose spread your team doesn't necessarily must win. You simply want to cover the spread. Should you be Miami is favored to win by 7 they usually only win by 4 you lose. In case you bet Chicago who's a ten point under dog and so they only lose by 3 points then you definitely win.

The Money LineA money line wager is a raffle placed without the purpose spread. You might be betting at the team to win the sport outright that is also referred to as winning “Straight UP.” Whilst you bet a game at the money line you'll have to pay odds as opposed to the traditional -110 that you'd pay for a straight bet using the purpose spread. Obviously if you wish to bet at the favorite to win straight up, you'll have to risk more to win less. If you happen to bet at the underdog, you could bet less to win more. The money line bets are in accordance with a $100 bet. While you see a money line listed the favourite can have a figure with a minus symbol in front of it and the underdog can have a plus symbol in front of it.

For instance: The Boston Celtics are 5 point favorites over the Atlanta Hawks. The money line is listed as:Celtics -220Hawks +180

If you happen to desired to bet the Celtics at the money line you would need to wager $220 to win $100. If you wish to bet the underdog Hawks, you may wager $100 to win $180. Your team must win straight as much as win your bet.

Types of Bets A Straight bet is a chance made on a single game or outcome. You'll be able to decide to bet the favourite or the underdog otherwise you can bet the over or under of the whole score. You may also decide to bet the sport at the money line. With a straight bet you might be betting on a single event or outcome.

Totals - Over/Under You may as well choose bet the over or the under for the sport total score. The over or the under is a wager at the total score on the end of the sport. You add the scores of both teams to get the general number. Whilst you bet the under you're betting that the score might be under the overall. Whilst you bet the over you're betting the score can be higher than the whole. As an example the general score of the sport is: Celtics 115 and Lakers 110. The full of the sport is 225. You win should you bet over and the score was greater than 225 or should you bet under and the score was lower than 225. If the score was exactly 225 then it'd be a tie often known as a push.

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!


Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Video Poker -Jacks or Better Strategy - Casino...

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!

Jacks or Better - Basic Strategy

The following charts shows you the fundamental Strategy for Jacks or Better. This chart was generated from the Video Poker Strategy Master by Tomski and is posted here together with his permission. That is the fundamental version of the strategy. VPSM will also produce and advanced version.

VPSM Jacks or Better Strategy
800.0000 Pat Royal 50.0000 Pat Straight Flush 25.0000 Pat Four of a sort 18.4255 4 Royal 9.0000 Pat Full House 6.0000 Pat Flush 4.3080 Three of a sort 4.0000 Pat Straight 3.4282 4 STFL, Open, 2345s-9TJQs 2.5957 Two Pair 2.2307 4 STFL, Inside 1.5405 High Pair JJ-AA 1.3201 3 Royal 1.2447 4 Flush 0.8723 TJQK 0.8237 Low Pair 22-TT 0.7979 9TJQ 0.7447 89TJ 0.7280 QJ9s 0.7216 JT9s 0.6809 4 ST, Open, 2345-789T 0.6300 3 STFL, Open, 345s-89Ts 0.6253 KQ9s, KJ9s, QJ8s 0.6096 QT9s, JT8s, J98s 0.6079 QJs 0.5938 AKQJ 0.5858 KQs, KJs 0.5774 AKs, AQs, AJs 0.5319 4 ST, Inside, 3 Hi Cards 0.5318 3 STFL, 2 Gaps, 1 Hi 0.5260 3 STFL, 1 Gap, 0 Hi, +234s 0.5153 KQJ 0.5059 QJ 0.5008 JTs 0.4901 KQ, KJ 0.4804 QTs 0.4783 AK, AQ, AJ 0.4749 KTs 0.4742 Jack 0.4704 Queen 0.4682 King 0.4622 Ace 0.4376 3 STFL, 2 Gaps, 0 Hi 0.3598 Redraw

Frequency Chart and Full Pay Table

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$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!


Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Video Poker -Jacks or Better Strategy - Casino...

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!

Jacks or Better - Basic Strategy

The following charts shows you the fundamental Strategy for Jacks or Better. This chart was generated from the Video Poker Strategy Master by Tomski and is posted here along with his permission. That is the elemental version of the strategy. VPSM will also produce and advanced version.

VPSM Jacks or Better Strategy
800.0000 Pat Royal 50.0000 Pat Straight Flush 25.0000 Pat Four of a sort 18.4255 4 Royal 9.0000 Pat Full House 6.0000 Pat Flush 4.3080 Three of a sort 4.0000 Pat Straight 3.4282 4 STFL, Open, 2345s-9TJQs 2.5957 Two Pair 2.2307 4 STFL, Inside 1.5405 High Pair JJ-AA 1.3201 3 Royal 1.2447 4 Flush 0.8723 TJQK 0.8237 Low Pair 22-TT 0.7979 9TJQ 0.7447 89TJ 0.7280 QJ9s 0.7216 JT9s 0.6809 4 ST, Open, 2345-789T 0.6300 3 STFL, Open, 345s-89Ts 0.6253 KQ9s, KJ9s, QJ8s 0.6096 QT9s, JT8s, J98s 0.6079 QJs 0.5938 AKQJ 0.5858 KQs, KJs 0.5774 AKs, AQs, AJs 0.5319 4 ST, Inside, 3 Hi Cards 0.5318 3 STFL, 2 Gaps, 1 Hi 0.5260 3 STFL, 1 Gap, 0 Hi, +234s 0.5153 KQJ 0.5059 QJ 0.5008 JTs 0.4901 KQ, KJ 0.4804 QTs 0.4783 AK, AQ, AJ 0.4749 KTs 0.4742 Jack 0.4704 Queen 0.4682 King 0.4622 Ace 0.4376 3 STFL, 2 Gaps, 0 Hi 0.3598 Redraw

Frequency Chart and Full Pay Table

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$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!


Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

The right way to Bet Basketball

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!
Betting on Basketball is the same to betting on Football. Either one of these sports use some degree spread otherwise you can bet at the money line. Many winning Handicappers know that betting on Basketball is more profitable then betting on Football as a result of sheer selection of games to make a choice from together with an excessively long season. You'll choose between the pro NBA games or the masses of NCAA college games. Annually in March the NCAA hosts the tournament to figure out the Nation’s championship team. These series of elimination tournaments are referred to as “March Madness.” Here's what you must know to bet on Basketball.

How Sports Books Make MoneyThe casino Sports books make their money on sports bets by collecting a commission on losing bets. That is called the Vigorish or Vig for brief. The commonest odds are 11 to ten. Which means that if you wish to win $100 you're risking $110. As an example you set a gamble at the Giants on the casino sports book and pay $110. If the Celtics win you collect $210 whilst you cash your winning ticket. For those who lose your bet you lose the $110.

Ideally the Sports book wish to have an identical quantity of cash wagered at the two teams playing. If the Celtics are playing the Lakers they usually have one player betting at the Celtic and one player betting at the Lakers they'd pay the winner $100 but collect $110 for the loser. This provides them a $10 profit in order that they really don’t care who wins so long as they've an equal amount bet on each team. To perform this they assign a line or spread to make the competition equally attractive for both sides.

The Point Spread Many of us think that the purpose spread is the expected margin of victory during which one team will beat another team but this isn't true. The road is the handicapper’s prediction of what percentage might be required to separate the wagering evenly on both teams. Because of this the road may change from the hole line to the road at game time.

When you bet on a game with the purpose spread your team doesn't necessarily must win. You simply want to cover the spread. Should you be Miami is favored to win by 7 they usually only win by 4 you lose. For those who bet Chicago who's a ten point under dog and so they only lose by 3 points you then win.

The Money LineA money line wager is a gamble placed without the purpose spread. You might be betting at the team to win the sport outright that is also known as winning “Straight UP.” While you bet a game at the money line you'll have to pay odds instead of the traditional -110 that you'd pay for a straight bet using the purpose spread. Obviously if you wish to bet at the favorite to win straight up, you'll have to risk more to win less. In the event you bet at the underdog, you possibly can bet less to win more. The cash line bets are in keeping with a $100 bet. Whilst you see a money line listed the favourite may have a figure with a minus symbol in front of it and the underdog can have a plus symbol in front of it.

As an example: The Boston Celtics are 5 point favorites over the Atlanta Hawks. The money line is listed as:Celtics -220Hawks +180

When you desired to bet the Celtics at the money line you would need to wager $220 to win $100. If you wish to bet the underdog Hawks, you can wager $100 to win $180. Your team must win straight as much as win your bet.

Types of Bets A Straight bet is a chance made on a single game or outcome. You'll be able to decide to bet the favourite or the underdog otherwise you can bet the over or under of the entire score. It's also possible to decide to bet the sport at the money line. With a straight bet you're betting on a single event or outcome.

Totals - Over/Under You may also choose bet the over or the under for the sport total score. The over or the under is a wager at the total score on the end of the sport. You add the scores of both teams to get the overall number. While you bet the under you're betting that the score can be under the whole. Whilst you bet the over you're betting the score might be higher than the entire. For instance the general score of the sport is: Celtics 115 and Lakers 110. The whole of the sport is 225. You win in case you bet over and the score was greater than 225 or should you bet under and the score was not up to 225. If the score was exactly 225 then it'd be a tie often known as a push.

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!


Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Wheel of Fortune

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!
As a wise player you're looking for casino games that experience a small house edge. Everyone knows that one of the most table games offer better odds and a lower house edge than others do. By far probably the most worst table games is the Wheel of Fortune or Big Six Wheel.

Actually I DO NOT BELIEVE this game have to be considered a table game, as there are not any chairs for the players to take a seat on. Why? Because no person of their right mind desires to play this game for terribly long.

The Wheel of Fortune, or Big Six Wheel because it is typically called, is an old carnival game and you've got about as much chance at winning within the casino as you do at the carnival midway. The wheel is set six feet in diameter. The wheel has 54 slots and every slot has a symbol, to be able to be the winner if the wheel lands in that slot. There are seven symbols on most wheels: $1, $2, $5, $10, and $20, A "Joker" and a "Casino Logo."

In front of the wheel is a table with places so that you can bet at the symbols which might be at the wheel. The dollar amounts at the wheel correspond with the repay you'll receive in case you have the winner. You put your chips at the symbol of your choice. In any case the bets are made the dealer spins the wheel and when it stops the winner is paid in keeping with the chart below.

At first glance a repay of 40 to at least one for the joker and the casino logo looks like a gorgeous nice repay for a dollar bet. After the wheel you notice that the percentages of hitting it isn't too good as there's just one joker and one casino logo at the wheel. The actual odds of hitting it's 53 to one however the casino is solely paying you 40 to at least one.

The collection of times the logo appears at the wheel and your true odds of hitting on the subject of the payoff determine the home edge. The house edge ranges from 11 to 24 percent. That is shown within the chart below.

In some casinos the joker and the casino logo spots pay 45 to one which lowers the home edge to 14.81 percent for that bet. That remains an excessively large house edge.

You now see why the Wheel is a nasty bet and will be avoided. One interesting note is that you simply often see the large Six Wheel located by the exit to the casino. Many players will make the last desperate bet at the 40 to one shot because the head out the door. Don't fall into this little casino trap.

House Edge

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!


Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Split Pots in Texas Hold’em

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I'VE received many e-mails asking me to come to a decision the winning hand in Texas Hold’em. Since several readers have asked the similar question about split pots, I BELIEVED I MIGHT answer my latest question the following article. Peter wrote:

The Question I have a matter for you a couple of tiebreaker in Texas Hold 'em. It's with regard to a tiebreaker. On this situation, two players are left. The 5 communal cards are a 2, 3, 4, 5 and six of mixed suits. Player One has a three and a 4. Player Two has a King and a Queen. Obviously, the most productive hand is the straight at the board. My question is who wins? I'm assuming there are 3 possible answers:

1. Player One wins because he has 2 pair, and Player Two only has King high. I DO NOT BELIEVE that is right, because Player Two's best hand (the straight at the board,) is healthier than the two pair.

2. Player Two wins because he has the upper kicker (the King beating the 4.) I FEEL if there's a winner, it is because of this.

3. The hand is a draw and the two players split the pot.

The Answer The correct answer is number 3. This can be a split pot. In Texas Hold’em the winning hand is the top five card hand. It may be constructed from any combination of the 2 personal cards held by the players and the five community cards. At times the top five card hand is made by utilizing the five community cards as in our example above. A sixth or seventh card is rarely used to wreck a tie.

In this situation if there has been a 3rd or fourth player still active within the hand they usually didn't have a hand that would beat the straight at the board, then the pot can be split amongst all of the active players.

Watch out for the Raise Sometimes when it seems that the most productive hand is at the board a player will raise in hopes that one of the most other players will fold. Then they are able to win the pot our right or reduce at the collection of players splitting the pot. For instance:

The board cards are: King diamonds – Queen spades - Jack hearts - Ten clubs – 9 hearts

The perfect hand that may be made is the Ace high straight. One of the crucial players may bet or raise to take a look at and make you're thinking that they have got an Ace for the next straight. Consequently you might be forced to name the bet incase this is a bluff. The worst that may happen for those who call is that you just lose a gamble. Should you fold and there's a spit pot you have got cost yourself a component to the pot.

When Kickers Play Situations will arise when there's a winning hand akin to a flush at the board. If two or more active players have a suited card higher than the bottom card at the board then the player with the upper card will win. As an example:

The board cards are: Ace spades - King spades – Ten spades – 9 spades – 6 spades

Player One has Queen spades and Jack hearts. Player Two has 8 spades and seven hearts. Player 1 wins because their Queen of spades makes a better flush than the player with the 8 of spades.

There would however be a split pot if both players had a spade that was less than the 6 spades. As an example if Player One had the 5 of spades and Player Two had the three of spades then the 6 at the board makes a better flush than either of the players could make with their cards.

There you have got it. Now you know the way to figure out a split pot. Just keep in mind that only five cards can be utilized to make the most efficient hand. In the event that they happen to be the five community cards at the board, then this can be a split pot and can be divided by the entire players still active within the hand.

Until Next time remember: Luck comes and goes.....Knowledge Stays Forever.

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Leave the Bank cards Home

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The #1 rule of casino gambling is:


The casinos have a home edge on all the games excluding certain video poker games, card counting in blackjack and live poker. We discuss with casino games as having a negative expectation. Which means that over the long term the maths of the sport will grind away at your bankroll. The inbuilt house advantage is how the casinos make money. Certain games have a lower house edge than others. Video Poker, Blackjack and the passline bet in Craps have a low house edge. Roulette and slots have a better house advantage. It's the price we pay to play.

Proper money management tells us to budget a given amount to gamble with and persist with that amount, win lose or draw. This brings us to rule number two:


Unfortunately that may be exactly what you might be doing in the event you run out of cash and choose to take a cash advance to your bank card on the casino. There also are hidden charges you can also over look if you happen to choose to do that. I LATELY visited an East Coast casino and inquired in regards to the finer points of taking a cash advance on a bank card. The casino charges you a specific amount only for issuing you a check out of your bank card for the money advance dependent on how much cash you should. get a $500 cash advance the charge was $21.99. That may be 4.4 % paid to the casino up front. Most bank card companies charge you 3% for a cash advance, in an effort to come to $15.66 (3% of $521.99.

You are already down $37.65 or 7.5% before you even sit to play. That is like sitting down at a five-dollar blackjack table and losing eight hands in a row or getting nothing back after putting three and a half roll of quarters through a slot machine. If this happened, most folks would head for the door real fast, but you're just beginning.

The next month your bank card bill arrives. Your balance is $537.65. You furthermore may discover that on top of the 3 percent you needed to pay to borrow the money, the rate of interest for a cash advance is 5% higher than the standard 15% you pay for purchases. Your new rate is 20 percent. Out of the goodness in their heart your bank card company will assist you to make payments in the event you decide to not pay the balance in full. Actually all you must do is a make minimum payment for the month. That is where people get into financial trouble. Most of the people do not understand the results of creating minimum payments. It's going to take an extended time to repay the debt than you might have imagined. Below is a chart showing what it is going to take to repay that $537 at 20 % interest.

Credit card debt is the economic ruin of many of us at the moment. It's too easy to get caught up within the “Buy now Pay” later mentality. The chart below will hopefully put things in perspective. One and all people should hesitate the following time we reach for the “Plastic” to make a purchase order.

I know you need to take a bank card with you while you travel to acquire hotel and car reservations but they need to not be used for frivolous cash advances. Cash advances need to be used for “Dire Emergencies” only! I don’t think a couple of more hands of blackjack or a couple of more pulls at the slot machine handle falls into this category.

Credit Card Repayment

Monthly Payments Time # of payments Total Amount Repaid
$49.74 1 year 12 $596.88
$27.33 2 year 24 $655.92
$19.96 3 years 36 $718.56
$16.34 4 years 48 $784.32
$14.23 5 years 60 $853.80

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Keeping a Gambling Log Book

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Tax time is across the corner. If you happen to were probably the most Lucky individuals who won money on the Casino, you may also find that you're not so “Lucky” while you fill out your taxes. Uncle Sam likes to share on your joy by claiming a bite of your winnings for himself. That may be exactly what happens to many “Winners” each April 15th, who don’t keep a gambling diary or logbook.

The IRS requires the casinos to report any wins over $1,200 on slot and video poker machines or other games equivalent to keno lottery or horse racing. If in case you have a win equal to or more than $1200, you can be issued a W-2G form. This way lists your name, address and social security number. The casino would require proper identification before you're paid your jackpot. For this reason you want to always carry a sound type of identification with you whilst you visit the casino.

A copy of the W-2G goes to the IRS and also you are required to list these winnings when filing your income tax. The law means that you can deduct gambling loses as much as the volume of your winnings. You'll only do that you probably have documentation of your loses. Keeping a diary or logbook, is do that.

A proper log should contain; 1) The kind of game and serial choice of the machine you played. 2) The date and placement where you played. 3) Your wins and losses for every session or game. 4) Additional evidence of gambling activities. Your log book have to be accurate and may be filled out as accurately as possible. I LOCATE it best to record my sessions in a small notebook which I carry with me to the casino. I then transfer this right into a spreadsheet on my computer after I get home.

Typically the IRS will accept this log however I'M REALLY NOT a CPA and the most efficient advice I WILL provide you with is to refer to a qualified in case you do have a large win on the casinos.

If you don’t keep a log book already you desire to start along with your next visit to the casino. Many players wait until they do hit a jackpot before they even consider keeping one. I once examine a player who finally hit a big progressive jackpot. It happened on New Year’s Eve. He have been losing throughout the year but he had no documentation to prove his losses and was required to pay taxes at the full amount.

There is one more reason to maintain a log book that doesn't have anything do with taxes. It’s to maintain track of your personal personal wins and losses. Some players are likely to remember only the wins and forget or minimize their losses. It’s not uncommon to listen to players say they broke even or had a bit of loss on the end of the year. Keeping a log might help you place playing in perspective and provides you a decent account of the money you might be spending in your casino entertainment. Knowing that you're keeping an eye on your losses may keep you from getting over excited and losing greater than you'll have during your visit.

If you play a game that requires skill corresponding to video poker, live poker or blackjack it is important to maintain a log of your playing sessions. This log may also help you evaluate your skill level. In case you are constantly having losing sessions then you definately might have to do some more studying of ways to play properly. I'VE a separate section in my log for each game that I play. This helps me to have a correct accounting on the end of the year each game so I DO KNOW which games was probably the most profitable.

Many player think that keeping a log is time consuming or unpractical. Actually it takes just a few minutes to do and you'll be glad you probably did whilst you hit the large one.

Ben Franklin said, “The only sure thing is Death and Taxes.” All of us must pay taxes but we don’t need to give Uncle Sam any further than we need to.

Until next time, remember: "Luck comes and goes...Knowledge Stays Forever!"

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Learn how to Deal and Play Texas Hold'em

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To begin a brand new hand two "Blind" bets are submit or "Posted." The player immediately to the left of the dealer puts up or "posts" the small blind of 1 dollar that is half the minimum bet for this $2/4 game. The player to the left of the small blind posts the massive blind that's equal to the minimum bet, that is two dollars for this game. The remainder of the players don't publish any money to begin the hand. Since the deal rotates across the table, each player will eventually act because the big blind, small blind and dealer.
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Friday, November 29, 2013

El Poker&Gol de, en racha como el Madrid

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El torneo de 1€ de entrada te puede llevar a continuar viviendo a través de un palco VIP la cuarta goleada consecutiva en el Bernabéu, a ti y a un acompañante.

Los últimos ganadores del Poker&Gol de han tenido mucha fortuna con los partidos que les ha tocado continuar viviendo a través de el palco VIP del Bernabéu, con una buena ración de goles para acompañar una experiencia única que todos los futboleros deberían intentar probar al menos una vez.

La próxima jornada de Liga se adelanta al sábado, pero el Poker&Gol sigue fiel a los jueves previos a los partidos de casa del Real Madrid, así que hoy, 28 de noviembre, aparecerá en el lobby de torneos de con el horario habitual, las 22:00 horas.

Por solo 1€ entrarás en la competencia por dos entradas VIP para el fútbol, tickets para los mejores torneos de y los premios correspondientes al reparto de la bolsa de premios acumulada como en cualquier otro torneo.

Los tickets a los que nos referimos son dos entradas al mensual de 30.000€ garantizados y otra para el 10.0000€ Garantizados, que semana tras semana dejan varios premios de cuatro cifras a sus mejores jugadores. El orden de adjudicación es el siguiente.

  • Entrada doble VIP para el Real Madrid-Real Valladolid del sábado 30 de noviembre a las 20:00 + Ticket para el 30.000€ garantizado
  • Ticket para el 30.000€ garantizado
  • Ticket para el 10.000€ garantizado
  • Recuerda que también puedes jugar el torneo si tienes cuenta en

    ¿Aún no tienes cuenta en Crea tu cuenta

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    El PSOE solicita en el Congreso que se retire la compensación de pérdidas en el juego

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    El Registro del Congreso ha dado acceso a una Proposición no de Ley firmada por el portavoz del grupo socialista y dirigida a la Comisión de Hacienda.

    El Grupo Socialista en el Congreso de los Diputados ha presentado ante la Mesa del Congreso una Proposición no de Ley para su debate en la Comisión de Hacienda por la que solicita que las pérdidas en el juego pierdan su estatus de pérdidas patrimoniales compensables con las ganancias del mismo.

    La ley tributaria 16/2012 de 27 de diciembre del año pasado se puso por fin por escrito una de las medidas más reclamadas por los jugadores, el poder descontar las pérdidas de las ganancias que hay que declarar anualmente en el IRPF.

    Esta ley era de carácter retroactivo aplicable desde el 1 de enero de 2012, lo que permitió la compensación de pérdidas ya en el nuevo ejercicio de la Renta.

    En la exposición de motivos que acompaña a la solicitud presentada el día 20 de noviembre, el Grupo Socialista reconoce la medida tributaria como una petición histórica del sector del juego, que la administración anterior había rechazado para evitar diferencias de trato con otros conceptos como los gastos de enfermedad o de formación del trabajador.

    Expresan también sus dudas sobre la justificación de dichas pérdidas, en manos de los operadores y la razón de la medida, que consideran que pretende incentivar el juego, “una conducta adictiva con efectos sociales indeseados”.

    Esta Proposición no de Ley, que ha sido entregada y registrada con el número 0097717, ha pasado el día 26 de noviembre el trámite de su publicación en la Comisión de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas presidida por D. Gabriel Elorriaga, del Grupo Popular.

    Con ello se abre el periodo de presentación de enmiendas previas a la sesión donde será debatida.

    De aprobarse, los jugadores volverían a encontrarse con la paradoja de tener que tributar por unas ganancias brutas que no se corresponden al resultado neto de su actividad en las mesas. Un jugador que gane 200€ de una minicaja en un torneo posterior inscribirse en dos torneos de 100€, y que por tanto se ha quedado como empezaba, tendría que declarar 200€ en ganancias y pagar los correspondientes impuestos dependiendo del tramo del IRPF en el que le coloquen el resto de sus ingresos.

    Un verdadero paso atrás en uno de los temas que más dudas habían generado en todo la subrutina de regulación del juego.

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    Defiende tus ciegas

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    Del mismo modo que robar las ciegas es una parte vital de la estrategia de todo buen jugador de No-Limit Hold'em, es igual de importante defenderlas con eficacia.

    La serie de artículos "Consejos poker" están destinados a aficionados que están iniciándose en el mundo del poker, de forma que las afirmaciones y conceptos que aquí se abordan tienen el objeto de iniciar y acercar el juego de forma sencilla a todos aquellos que están interesados en aprender a jugar a poker desde los cimientos.

    Muchos jugadores menosprecian el valor de las ciegas y esperan demasiado a que les salgan manos buenas para poder jugar. Esto es especialmente cierto cuando en la mesa sólo hay 6 jugadores. Hay que pensar que cuantos menos jugadores, más veces terminarás por pagar las ciegas y, por tanto, más grande será el goteo continuo que estarás perdiendo si no las defiendes.

    Si además nos enfrentamos contra jugadores agresivos, esto se convierte en una sangría constante, ya que estos jugadores tienen muy claro dónde están los beneficios en el poker, que al contrario de venir de los botes grandes, están, en su mayor parte, en los botes pequeños.

    Muchos jugadores sólo resubirán desde sus ciegas cuando tengan una mano espectacularmente buena. Si bien esto es razonable cuando nos enfrentamos a una subida desde primeras posiciones o a una subida de un jugador extremadamente conservador, seguir esperando manos muy fuertes para resubir a los jugadores agresivos en zona de robo es mala idea. 

    Ellos robarán nuestras ciegas a voluntad, y rara vez nos pagarán una resubida. Contra estos jugadores, tendremos que resubir manos con las que normalmente abandonaríamos contra jugadores menos agresivos.

    El problema suele venir de que casi nunca nos hemos parado a pensar en qué significa que un jugador nos abra con muchas manos. A continuación tenemos un ejemplo vivo visual de cómo se representa el rango de un jugador que abre un 60%, un valor muy común desde BTN o SB para abrir preflop.

    Como puedes ver, aquí hay una gran cantidad de manos mediocres cuyo único objetivo es robarnos el bote tanto preflop como postflop. Esto no es que esté mal, en realidad es lo que tiene que hacer si nosotros abandonamos lo suficiente, pero una vez detectado el problema nos toca defendernos.

    Contra rangos tan amplios, podemos esperar que nuestro rival abandone mucho cuando realicemos un 3bet, por tanto podemos incrementar nuestro rango de 3bet con muchas más manos de las que normalmente juguemos y estaremos cambiando las tornas, en lugar de que este rival sea quien nos roba, ahora le estaremos robando nosotros.

    Recuerda los siguientes puntos.

    • Los jugadores agresivos intentarán robarnos las ciegas con casi cualquier par de cartas
    • Resubir con aproximadamente un tercio de las manos que abren nuestros rivales siempre será un buen plan
    • No dejes que los rivales agresivos roben tus ciegas sin defenderlas

    A la hora de decidir hasta qué punto queremos llegar resubiendo manos, debemos pensar que resubir aproximadamente la tercera parte de la manos con las que nuestro rival nos está robando las ciegas nunca puede estar muy mal.

    Al fin y al cabo, si apostamos el triple de lo que él apostó preflop y nos paga una de cada tres veces, estaremos enfrentando manos igual de fuertes y con un beneficio muy grande de las veces que abandona.

    Rápidamente te darás cuenta de que esto hace que tus beneficios aumenten y tu juego será mucho más sólido.

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    Bahamas y psicología, los planes de Leo Margets para 2014

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    La Team Pro Leo Margets desgrana en el blog de PokerStars sus primeros proyectos para el año que viene.

    La jugadora del Team Pro de PokerStars Leo Margets ha cumplido con su cita periódica con el blog de la sala comentando la ilusión que le producen algunos proyectos para el comienzo del año que viene.

    ¿De Sao Paulo a Praga en diciembre? ¡Ojo con los resfriados!¿De Sao Paulo a Praga en diciembre? ¡Ojo con los resfriados!

    A todo el mundo le interesa saber en qué ocupan su tiempo sus jugadores favoritos y  Leo tiene ya bastantes anotaciones en su agenda para los próximos meses .

    Lo primero que va a tener que hacer Leo es olvidarse un poco de un 2013 que no ha sido especialmente generoso con ella.

    2013 no ha sido el mejor año para mí. He pasado algunos problemas de salud que, desafortunadamente, han tenido impacto en mis quehaceres profesionales y también he sufrido algo de stress. La consecuencia es que he tenido que viajar menos y prestarle más atención a mi salud.

    Para eso nada mejor que recorrerse el planeta de punta a punta y rematar poniendo pie por primera vez en el único de los torneos grandes del circuito que le quedaba por probar.

    Ahora que vuelvo a tener las pilas cargadas a tope tengo planeado jugar mucho más. Estoy hambrienta de poker… El próximo en mi lista de eventos es el BSOP de Sao Paulo, una gran oportunidad para jugar una gran cantidad de torneos en una ciudad que aún no conozco.

    También saltaré a Praga para el EPT y luego me tomaré unas semanas de vacaciones para pasar las Navidades. En Enero iré por primera vez a Bahamas ¡Ya estoy ansiosa por poder vivirlo! El PCA es el único gran torneo que me faltaba por jugar y todo el mundo me cuenta maravillas sobre él.

    Pero el proyecto más sorprendente de la londinense de adopción es uno muy personal.

    Voy a asistir a un curso de 10 días sobre inteligencia emocional y programación neurolingüística en Manchester. Si decides tomar un curso complementario de una semana  más de duración y pasas un examen puedes convertirte en un entrenador licenciado… Mi plan es combinar el poker con la enseñanza de esas materias, un área de conocimiento que siempre he estado superinteresada en explorar.

    La programación neurolingüística estudia la comunicación y el desarrollo personal del individuo basándose en la supuesta conexión existente entre los procesos neurológicos, el lenguaje y los hábitos adquiridos y cómo se pueden cambiar estos últimos para conseguir nuevos objetivos vitales.

    Una de las ramas estudiadas por esta materia son las microexpresiones faciales, así que mucho ojito con Leo, que se puede convertir en una máquina de cazar tells.

    ¡Y ánimo, que ya has quedado vacunada para toda la vida!

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