Sunday, December 29, 2013

What's a Casino, Really?

Players from all countries can PLAY!

One question I AM GETTING asked often is "WHAT'S a Casino, Really?" Personally I always thought a spot was just a casino in the event that they had both slots and table games, however the mini-casinos in Washington State were only allowed 15 "table games" where the unique thrust of the argument for brand new gambling was that the state already allowed poker rooms, so the brand new casinos would just be card games. In fact those card games soon had 21, Let it Ride, Caribbean Stud etc.

The reason people inquire from me about casinos is because they would like to understand why many locations should not have craps (think most of California and Arizona), or roulette. Same story. The bill was easier to get undergone the local legislature if it only included "card games," as silly as that may be. I BELIEVE the casinos in both states are terrific. Among the casinos are true resorts, and so they have slots and table games, but I ACTUALLY miss a standard craps game or roulette with an actual dealer.

Many of the Native American casinos in California have tried both craps and roulette using cards to indicate rolls or spins. Sorry, can't get into that, without reference to what my New Year's Resolution is! Arizona doesn't even offer the cardboard craps, but they do allow "video" roulette and craps. The roulette is as close as you may get to the actual thing, with a full-size wheel and a spinning ball, but all bets are made on a video terminal. That's almost the same.

As for craps in Arizona, sorry, the most well liked games are the Organic games with a couple of large dice clumping around in a plastic-domed hopper to indicate rolls. Bets are again made on a video terminal, and it's alright, but I miss shooting the dice! After all both the roulette and craps games will let you stay on budget. If you wish to take a cheap casino trip, there are many stuff you can do without gambling. And, in case you still wish to gamble, Keno and video craps and roulette are less expensive than the usual table varieties. Many of the games are set-up for $1 to $29 wagers, so a buck at the pass line is okay. That's a bargain, even supposing the game's not quite the same!

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling]

Slot Machine Myths and Misconceptions

Players from all countries can PLAY!
The dictionary defines the next: Myth: A WELL-LIKED belief that has grown around something. A CONVENTIONAL story to provide an explanation for a practice, belief or natural phenomenon. Misconception: Something interpreted incorrectly.

Both of those words are interchangeable when discussing the beliefs some people have about slot machines. Most of the people don't understand the internal working of the slots so you possibly can explain a loss or a win with some false logic. Like all other "wives tales" these are passed from individual to individual until they become gospel. These kinds of myths and misconceptions are harmless but they may be able to add in your frustration and remove probably the most enjoyment out of your casino visit. Let’s check out some of the most well liked myths and the reality behind them.

No other segment of the gaming industry has benefited more from the technology revolution than the slot machine. Once considered the ugly stepdaughter, put on the gaming floor to assuage the spouses of table players, the slot machine have been transformed into the fairy Princess of the gaming world. Together with her she has brought a dowry of riches no person would have imagined for the casino and some lucky players in addition. 20 years ago the slot machine accounted for 30 percent of the casinos profits. Today it accounts for roughly 70 percent. Computer technology makes it possible to provide life-changing jackpots large enough to show a pauper right into a King.

This new technology also brings with it many myths and misconceptions as players attempt to unravel the mysteries of the trendy computerized slot machine. Listed here are some of the myths surrounding the slot machine.

Someone hit a jackpot at the machine you simply left, you possibly can have got that jackpot when you kept playing. False. The slot machines have a pc chip inside that runs the Random Number Generator (RNG). The RNG is continuously cycling through numbers even if the machine isn't being played. These numbers correspond to the stops at the wheel that display the winning or losing symbols that you just see when the reels stop. While you hit the spin button or pull the handle, the RNG picks the combo at that given microsecond. In case you had stayed on the machine, it's highly unlikely that you'd have stopped the RNG on the exact nano-second to display that very same combination of numbers. Within the time it takes to speak with a chum or sip your drink the RNG has cycled through thousands of combinations.

You can tell the chances of winning by counting the symbols on each wheel. No. The RNG generates a bunch for every spin. The number corresponds to the symbols at the Reel. There will also be hundreds of Virtual stops on each wheel despite the fact that you simply see a couple of symbols. As an example you may even see 20 symbols on each wheel of a three-reel machine. You work 20 x 20 x 20 = 8,000 combinations and your chance of hitting the jackpot is 1 in 8000. Actually the pc chip may program 256 stops for every wheel which makes the chances 256 x 256 x 256 =16,777,216 combinations. With the ability to generate millions of combinations is the explanation that slots can offer large paybacks.

Casinos can loosen or tighten the slot machines with the flip of a switch. False. The slot machines have a pc chip in them that determines the pay back percentage. These are preset on the factory. To ensure that a casino to modify the pay back, they might need to change the chip. In most jurisdictions there may be paper work that should be filled and submitted to the Casino Control Commission for every machine if the chip is modified. It's time consuming and the chips are very expensive. For this reason, it's more cost effective to choose the pay back percentages before purchasing the machines and having the factory ship them with the correct chip.

A machine that has not been paying is because of hit. False. There is not any option to determine if a machine is because of hit. Each spin is a random occurrence and has no concerning what has happened previously. Don't ever play greater than you wish to for this reason myth. It will likely be devastating in your bankroll for those who do.

The temperature of the coins played will affect the best way a machine pays. False. The machine isn't suffering from temperature. It's not relevant in case you play hot, cold, old or new coins. The coin slot is a machine and has no feeling. There's one potential danger with this myth. I once saw a fellow burn his fingers while looking to heat up a coin with a lighter.

If you utilize your slot club card the machine can pay back less. False. In my opinion, that is essentially the most damaging myth of all of them. There is not any link between the cardboard reader and the RNG. By not using you player's card you might be denying yourself valuable comps and often cash back from the casino.

Until next time, remember: "Luck comes and goes...Knowledge Stays Forever."

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Table Limits - High Minimum Bets

Players from all countries can PLAY!
One of the crucial questions/complaint I'M always asked it, "Why are table limits so high? Why don't casinos have more tables for the five dollar player?"

Unfortunately this is a matter supply and insist. Areas with just one or two casinos or even larger gaming destinations on a weekend all be afflicted by the shortage of tables to deal with the lower limit players. Since there are more players than table spaces the casinos can raise the boundaries and still fill the various seats. The unhappy reality is that, it also makes more economic sense to the casino to have higher limit tables although a few of them aren't full.

We have all been to the casino on a crowded night and seen and empty table. We rush over only to seek out that the table limit is no less than $25 or $50 per hand. We wonder why they cannot change the empty table to a five or ten dollar table to house the lower limit players. Incredulous because it may seem, the "bean counters" have determined that a table with a better limit will earn more money although it's empty for hours at a time. I examine the reasoning behind this in Casino Operations Management, that's the textbook used at UNLV of their casino management course.

Although the house edge is ready a half percent for a Blackjack player using basic strategy, the casinos make excess of that on the tables. Their hold at the game may also be 16 - 20% in some instances. It is because only a few players adhere to correct basic strategy. For rating purposes, management uses a standard benefit of 2.5% as a base for calculating the threshold over a Blackjack player. They then adjust in step with the skill level of the player. To simplify matters I CAN use a home good thing about two percent in calculating this case. The opposite think about the equation is the velocity of the sport. The rate relies on the collection of players on the table and is measured by hands per hour:Slow = 60 hph. This will be an entire table of six or seven players. Medium = 80 hph. Two or three players on the table. Fast = 120 hph. One player heads up with the dealer.

Look on the chart below showing how much cash the casino would expect to make per hour at a Blackjack table in accordance with the selection of players, speed of the sport and the minimum bet. The home edge is calculated at 2 percent.

Based at the figures within the chart the casino has determined that a full table of five-dollar players will net them a profit of $252 after six hours of play. They may be able to make almost that much in half the time with two $25 players. They may be able to make that during about an hour with a single player at $100 table. This is why why you spot escalating table limits in a crowded casino.

What are you able to do?There isn't much that may be done. This can be a fact of life and a business decision. Some casinos have adopted a policy to maintain a minimum of one table on the five-dollar tables:1) Plan you casino visit on every week day.2) Avoid weekend nights and other crowded times. 3) In case you can only play at the weekend, go early within the morning and plan other activities within the evening when the casino gets crowded. 4) Discover ways to play video poker and play the quarter machines.

High table limits aren't any fun for the player with a small bankroll who can only afford to play within the low limit games. The only thing you don’t wish to do is sit and play at a table with higher limits than you'll be able to afford. Higher table limits are only something you need to be prepared for in areas with a limited number casinos, but when you follow the recommendation above you need to be capable of have an enjoyable time.

Casino Expected Profits

Number of Players Minimum Bet Hands per Hour Total Bet 2% Profit
7 $5 60 $2,100 $42
2 $25 80 $4,000 $80
1 $50 120 $6,000 $120
1 $100 120 $12,000 $240

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Top Five Tips for Roulette Success

Players from all countries can PLAY!

The casino game of roulette continues to be a favourite after 300 years, so remember these top five tips for roulette success the following time you head to the casino and you will have fun and a greater chance to depart with a profit.

Tip Primary - Single Zero is the Best

Many casinos, especially those in Europe, feature roulette wheels with a single zero, also known as the home" collection of". course you'll be able to bet at the zero, so it isn't really a home number, but most payoffs on a wheel focus on a single number bet being paid 35 units. That implies the home keeps 1 unit every 37 spins (1/37) which equals a home fringe of 2.7 percent. If wheel also has a double zero, the similar 35 units could be paid, however the house keeps 2 units every 38 spins (2/38) which equals a home fringe of 5.26 percent.

Obviously the rule of thumb here's play the one zero wheel whether it is available. Some casinos do have single zero wheels, and a few have the sport but only offer it in a high limit room (minimum bet of $25 or much more likely.) Why play the upper house edge wheel when you can avoid it?

Tip Number Two - The Payoffs Are the Same

Fortunately, the payoffs for each bet on a roulette wheel follow the similar rules, so regardless of which wager you make, you're going to get the similar house edge, apart from one bet. On what's often call an American wheel (which has the zero and double zero) you'll be able to wager the Top Line, which 0, 00, 1, 2, and three. Unfortunately, this bet pays 6 units to hide the 5 numbers. That payoff leaves a home fringe of 7.9 percent, so skip this wager!

Tip Number Three - En Prison is Good

Many European casinos have en prison, and a few casinos in Las Vegas just like the Bellagio, Caesar's Palace, and the Mirage offer games with the rule, as do the vast majority of the casinos in Atlantic City. In case you are not aware of en prison, bets put on even money bets like odd/even and red/black don't lose on a 0 or double zero. Instead they ought to play within the same spot at the next spin, or the player loses half their wager rather than their entire wager. Now that's a rule that's all good, so ask about it while you play!

Tip Number Four - Understand Variance

Understanding casino gambling variance generally is a bit confusing, but for purposes of a tip to remember, the upper the payoff (odds against) of the wagers you might be making, the fewer likely they're going to hit. That can seem obvious, however the way it applies to the chips in front of you may also not.

If you favor betting the numbers straight as much as get 35-1 payoffs, you're prone to see wide swings to your bankroll. When the numbers hit for you, you will have mounds of chips and be at liberty. After they don't, you will have long periods of time while you don't hit anything, so be prepared. In the event you become bored easily, or get frustrated, don't take your issues out for your chips! For those who really just like the straight up bets, stick to them, don't start creating a bunch of crazy bets looking to get even.

Tip Number Five - Your Bankroll is Your Friend

Treat your bankroll like your friend and you will be happy you probably did! You can not build a gambling bankroll without saving some money first, but it can save you some huge cash (your bankroll) by planning the way you are going to play at roulette.

The best tip in your bankroll is to simply wager what you will have saved for gambling, without succumbing to the urge to get a bit of more money out of your debit or bank card. Problem gambling starts with spending an excessive amount of cash beyond your entertainment money! You wish to also find the suitable casino on your bet size and ability level. There is no sense feeling misplaced whilst you gamble.

As in your bet size, needless to say the more units you have, the longer you are able to play and the simpler chance you will have to enjoy yourself. If in case you have a complete of $100 to spend at roulette, betting $25 per spin goes to have very high variance, and also you tend to go broke quickly. If you wish to last a while, choose a gamble size that provide you with a possibility to catch a couple of winners.

If you prefer to make "outside" wagers like column bets and red/black, you are able to start with $5 wagers (more likely to be the minimum in your roulette table) and feature 20 units for that $100 bill. That's a cheap amount in the event you place a single wager each spin. For those who start winning, go ahead and bet slightly more!

If you prefer to bet at the "inside" numbers, your payoffs might be higher, but less frequent. Keep in mind that even supposing the table has $1 chips and also you get 100 to your $100 bill, you will likely must bet 3 to five chips per spin, so you'll still have the same quantity of cash riding on each spin. Don't bet too many chips to start out or your stack will appear to be an elephant stepped on it. While you catch some numbers, then you definately can raise your bets accordingly!

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Table Limits - High Minimum Bets

Players from all countries can PLAY!
One of the vital questions/complaint I'M always asked it, "Why are table limits so high? Why don't casinos have more tables for the five dollar player?"

Unfortunately this is a matter supply and insist. Areas with just one or two casinos or even larger gaming destinations on a weekend all be afflicted by the dearth of tables to house the lower limit players. Since there are more players than table spaces the casinos can raise the bounds and still fill some of the seats. The unhappy reality is that, it also makes more economic sense to the casino to have higher limit tables even though a few of them aren't full.

We have all been to the casino on a crowded night and seen and empty table. We rush over only to seek out that the table limit is at least $25 or $50 per hand. We wonder why they can not change the empty table to a five or ten dollar table to house the lower limit players. Incredulous because it may seem, the "bean counters" have determined that a table with a better limit will make more cash even though it's empty for hours at a time. I examine the reasoning behind this in Casino Operations Management, that is the textbook used at UNLV of their casino management course.

Although the house edge is ready a half percent for a Blackjack player using basic strategy, the casinos make way over that on the tables. Their hold at the game may also be 16 - 20% in some instances. It's because only a few players adhere to correct basic strategy. For rating purposes, management uses a typical good thing about 2.5% as a base for calculating the threshold over a Blackjack player. They then adjust in keeping with the skill level of the player. To simplify matters I WILL BE ABLE TO use a home good thing about two percent in calculating this situation. The opposite think about the equation is the velocity of the sport. The velocity depends upon the choice of players on the table and is measured by hands per hour:Slow = 60 hph. This will likely be an entire table of six or seven players. Medium = 80 hph. Two or three players on the table. Fast = 120 hph. One player heads up with the dealer.

Look on the chart below showing what quantity of money the casino would expect to make per hour at a Blackjack table in response to the choice of players, speed of the sport and the minimum bet. The home edge is calculated at 2 percent.

Based at the figures within the chart the casino has determined that a full table of five-dollar players will net them a profit of $252 after six hours of play. They are able to make almost that much in half the time with two $25 players. They are able to make that during about an hour with a single player at $100 table. That is why why you notice escalating table limits in a crowded casino.

What are you able to do?There isn't much that may be done. This is a fact of life and a business decision. Some casinos have adopted a policy to maintain a minimum of one table on the five-dollar tables:1) Plan you casino visit on per week day.2) Avoid weekend nights and other crowded times. 3) In the event you can only play at the weekend, go early within the morning and plan other activities within the evening when the casino gets crowded. 4) Learn how to play video poker and play the quarter machines.

High table limits are not any fun for the player with a small bankroll who can only afford to play within the low limit games. The only thing you don’t need to do is take a seat and play at a table with higher limits than you'll afford. Higher table limits are only something you should be prepared for in areas with a limited number casinos, but when you follow the recommendation above you need to be in a position to have an enjoyable time.

Casino Expected Profits

Number of Players Minimum Bet Hands per Hour Total Bet 2% Profit
7 $5 60 $2,100 $42
2 $25 80 $4,000 $80
1 $50 120 $6,000 $120
1 $100 120 $12,000 $240

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Getting Full Value out of your Casino Comps

Players from all countries can PLAY!

When you gamble, you're employed hard in your player's club points, but are you getting full value out of your casino comps? Chances are you'll not be! All players should discover ways to benefit from what's really a great deallots and to stick clear of what's no bargain, even if it's free.

When you join a casino player's club you realize you will get some payback on your action, and if you wish to be in on promotions and giveaways, you are likely to desire a club card.

And, casino groups, comparable to Caesars and MGM have programs that let you use your cards of their casinos all around the country. The MGM's M-Life offers huge rewards for his or her biggest players including such things as world trips and dolphin training on the Mirage. However, in case you are like most players, you simply need to get a bit extra bang to your gambling buck.

Comp Rates

Comp rates vary by casino, but many poker rooms offer $1 to $2 per hour of play. Slot machine play racks up probably the most points since you make such a lot of more bets per hour of play, however the higher your average bet on the table games, the upper your comp value may be. A return of $1 per hour with a $10 average bet is excellent. Multiply your average bet by the hours you play to figure your points earned. The player's club can inform you what you've got earned, and should come up with a real average similar to $8 per hour in comps for a $100 average bet at blackjack. That might translate to 80-cents for a $10 bet. Your rewards will vary.

Room Comps

Getting a free room together with your gambling is a smart deal, and plenty of players book at hotels and resorts where they may be able to stay at no cost. However, using your player's club comp points for a room can also be the worst deal you may make. Why? Because many casinos have "stay at no cost" packages that don't cost you any points. Talk to the player's club or concierge services about room specials.

Casino hotel rooms also are available at discounts for minimal play via a casino rate. This can be a special rate that reduces your room to about half-price. This rate is even offered for poker play with minimums as little as three or four hours - even for low-stakes games. That's a proposal to milk. Don't use your points while you can get the room deal without them!

Food Specials

As a member of the casino player's club you are going to get special deals on meals together with your monthly mailing. These are typically one free meal, two-for-one, or a heavily discounted meal like a one-pound prime rib dinner for $6.95 or a brand new York steak and eggs breakfast for $2.95 or less. That's a perfect deal, and if it's available, benefit from that in place of using your comp points.

When you do not have a food special available, spend your comp points like cash and dine where you want, but keep in mind that comps cannot be used for a gratuity. You will have to pay for the end from your own pocket. Therefore, in case your casino offers it, you should get cash back in preference to using points.

Golf and Show Tickets

Some casinos permit you to use your comp points for golf, show tickets, or sporting events, but first, ask if there's a players'discount. Many properties do have discounts for his or her amenities. When you discover what the cut price is, you then should ask should you pays the remaining along with your club points!

Other Freebies

Aside from entries in drawings and special monthly giveaways, you'll be in a position to get other things without using your points. Do not be afraid to invite your host or a floor supervisor about sports tickets. Most casinos buy season tickets for plenty of sports, that you can be capable of qualify for those too.

Free rides in casino limousines, town cars, or even cab rides also are available as many properties. If you happen to don't ask, you will not know. These usually don't take any comp points either. You should be an ordinary player, but they will not cost you any of your precious comps!

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Five Best Casino Bets

Players from all countries can PLAY!

Ever wonder what the Five Best Casino Bets could be? Well, the more you gamble the more it's important to understand casino odds. But, if you wish to go on to the most efficient bets, read on!

What Constitutes AN EXCELLENT Bet?

Casinos offer players an opportunity to gamble, but not all games are as player friendly as you could think. While you play a hand of blackjack with good rules for the player, the home might only have an fringe of a half-percent. That's awesome. Or, chances are you'll try a craps proposition bet like Any Seven and find that the home edge is 16.7 percent. Yikes!

So, on this case, the Five Best Casino Bets are all about low house edges. In fact each bet is an independent trial, and no bets are bound to win!

#1 - Full Pay" Deuces Wild - 100.76%

Believe it or not, this video poker slot actually offers the player the brink! After all you need to find the sport within the casino, and you've got to seek out one who has this pay table:

  • Natural royal flush 800
  • Four deuces 200
  • Wild royal flush 25
  • Five of a sort 15
  • Straight flush 9
  • Four of a sort 5
  • Full house 3
  • Flush 2
  • Straight 2
  • Three of a sort 1
  • And it's important to play perfectly!
#2 - Craps Odds - 100%

Yes, you read that right! Whilst you take the chances on a pass line bet or a no pass bet, you receives a commission the real odds of your number rolling before a seven. The home has no edge at all, so take those odds.

Of course it's important to first make a pass or no pass bet. So, the chances are free, but you do need to make that other wager first!

#3 - Multiple Pass and do not Pass Odds .13%

When you are making a pass or don't pass bet at craps, some casinos offer multiple odds, because the above section outlines. The upper the percentages offered, the lower your overall pass and do not pass bets may be as a mix with the percentages. In other words, while you combine your odds bet along with your line bet, the total house edge falls:

  • Simple pass bet: 1.41 percent - Don't pass bet 1.36 percent
  • Pass bet with single odds: .85 percent - Don't pass with single odds: .7 percent
  • Pass bet with double odds: .61 percent - Don't pass with double odds: .47 percent
  • Pass bet with triple odds: .47 percent - Don't pass with triple odds: .35 percent
  • Pass bet with 5x odds: .33 percent - Don't pass with 5x odds: .23 percent
  • Pass bet with 10x odds: .18 percent - Don't pass with 10x odds: .13 percent
#4 - Baccarat 1.17%

Playing Baccarat in all fairness simple and the home edge is very small! Whilst you bet at the player, the home edge is solely 1.36, but if you bet the banker, the home edge falls all of the strategy to 1.17 percent!

#5 - Advanced Blackjack .6%

Quantifying exactly what the home edge is at blackjack may also be tough as it is the only casino game where the chances actually change in line with the cards far from previous hands. However, once a player learns the foundations of blackjack they are able to advance to learning basic strategy. And, with favorable rules, a player can expect to play almost inspite of the home - having just slightly higher than a half-percent disadvantage.

In fact, if you happen to ever wondered if blackjack can really be beaten, it will possibly! It takes time to be informed the most productive strategy, but an easy plus-minus or aces and fives strategy can actually turn a small house edge right into a small player edge. Wouldn't you want to have the edge?

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Getting Full Value out of your Casino Comps

Players from all countries can PLAY!

When you gamble, you're employed hard on your player's club points, but are you getting full value out of your casino comps? It's possible you'll not be! All players should learn how to make the most of what's really an awful lot and to stick clear of what's no bargain, even if it's free.

When you join a casino player's club you will get some payback on your action, and if you wish to be in on promotions and giveaways, you are going to want a club card.

And, casino groups, akin to Caesars and MGM have programs that let you use your cards of their casinos all around the country. The MGM's M-Life offers huge rewards for his or her biggest players including such things as world trips and dolphin training on the Mirage. However, if you're like most players, you simply need to get a bit extra bang on your gambling buck.

Comp Rates

Comp rates vary by casino, but many poker rooms offer $1 to $2 per hour of play. Slot machine play racks up probably the most points since you make such a lot of more bets per hour of play, however the higher your average bet on the table games, the upper your comp value may be. A return of $1 per hour with a $10 average bet is excellent. Multiply your average bet by the hours you play to figure your points earned. The player's club can inform you what you may have earned, and will come up with a real average similar to $8 per hour in comps for a $100 average bet at blackjack. That may translate to 80-cents for a $10 bet. Your rewards will vary.

Room Comps

Getting a free room together with your gambling is a brilliant deal, and lots of players book at hotels and resorts where they may be able to stay without cost. However, using your player's club comp points for a room can also be the worst deal you can also make. Why? Because many casinos have "stay totally free" packages that don't cost you any points. Consult the player's club or concierge services about room specials.

Casino hotel rooms also are available at discounts for minimal play via a casino rate. It is a special rate that reduces your room to about half-price. This rate is even offered for poker play with minimums as little as three or four hours - even for low-stakes games. That's a suggestion to exploit. Don't use your points whilst you can get the room deal without them!

Food Specials

As a member of the casino player's club you will definitely get special deals on meals together with your monthly mailing. These are typically one free meal, two-for-one, or a heavily discounted meal like a one-pound prime rib dinner for $6.95 or a brand new York steak and eggs breakfast for $2.95 or less. That's a really perfect deal, and if it's available, benefit from that as opposed to using your comp points.

When you do not have a food special available, spend your comp points like cash and dine where you want, but remember the fact that comps cannot be used for a gratuity. You will have to pay for the top from your own pocket. Therefore, in case your casino offers it, you could get cash back rather than using points.

Golf and Show Tickets

Some casinos mean you can use your comp points for golf, show tickets, or sporting events, but first, ask if there's a players'discount. Many properties do have discounts for his or her amenities. Once you discover what the cut price is, then you definitely should ask for those who pays the remaining together with your club points!

Other Freebies

Aside from entries in drawings and special monthly giveaways, you will be capable of get other things without using your points. Do not be afraid to invite your host or a floor supervisor about sports tickets. Most casinos buy season tickets for lots of sports, that you can have the ability to qualify for those too.

Free rides in casino limousines, town cars, or even cab rides also are available as many properties. In the event you don't ask, you will not know. These usually don't take any comp points either. You need to be a standard player, but they will not cost you any of your precious comps!

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Craps Understand Dice Odds -Casino Gambling

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Understanding Dice Odds

Last time I MENTIONED the basics of playing craps. With a purpose to play the sport you obviously need dice. You also need an understanding of the dice and the chances and probabilities of rolling the numbers.

In the films you'll find the players picking up the dice and rolling them together of their hands before allowing them to fly down the table as they scream, "Baby needs a brand new pair of trainers"! or another wild chant. That is fine in the flicks nevertheless it isn't allowed within the casino. If you end up on the tables you are just allowed to deal with the dice with one hand.

Dice at the moment are precision instruments manufactured to very strict specifications. They're inspected for any flaws similar to nicks of chips before being installed to play. Rubbing them together or other rough handling can damage dice. If the dice are thrown off the table they must be checked before being put back into play. The common lifetime of a couple of dice is purely about eight hours.

Let's have a look the dice.

Dice are cubes about three quarters of an inch square. One alone is called a die. Each die has spots called "pips" totaling a bunch from one to six on both sides. In the event you add the corresponding sides you're going to get the number seven. The side with six pips could have one pip at the opposite side. Two and five are on corresponding sides as are the 3 and 4. Since each die has six sides and the sport is played with two dice, there are 36 (6 x 6) combinations that may be made giving totals of 2 through twelve.

Take a glance on the Dice Chart

dice chart .You will see that there's just one approach to make the numbers two (1 and 1) and twelve (6 and six.) There are two how one can make the number three: (2 and 1) and (1and 2). If it lets you understand the combinations, picture a blue and a red die. You'll have primary at the red and two at the blue, or number two on the red and primary at the blue. There are two how you can make the 3 and eleven. There are 3 ways to make the four and ten. There are four how one can make the five and nine. There are five how one can make the six and 8. There are six how one can make the seven.

By knowing how the numbers are made, you'll calculate the chances of making any number before the seven is rolled. For the reason that number 7 can also be rolled six ways, you divide the number six by the collection of ways a bunch is rolled .

Number # how one can roll True Odds


2 to 1



3 to 2



6 to 5



3 to 2



2 to 1

Once you know the percentages and possibilities of the dice, you might be on your way to mastering the sport of craps.

Until next time, remember: "Luck comes and goes...Knowledge stays forever."

Previous Features

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Slot Club Cards

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Probably the most valuable card within the casino isn't found on any of the tables. It's the “Comp Card” and you'll find it on the players club. Sometimes called Slot Club Card, this little piece of plastic is worth much more than the typical player might think.

Years ago only the table players were those to receive a Comp that is short for complimentary. This can be a kind of rebate the casino returns to you to your loyalty. It will possibly are available in the shape of free meals, rooms or shows. Within the last 15 years the casinos have come to understand that the slot players are the “Bread and Butter” of the casino business. They make more benefit from the machines than the table games. Years ago table games account for almost all of the casinos profits. No 75-80 % of the profit comes from slot players.

The “Slot Clubs” were born in Atlantic City within the early 1980’s when the casinos there have been looking for the way to keep players from hopping from one casino to the following. By offering a reward for his or her loyalty they were capable of keep the player coming back. Now slot clubs are present in most major casinos. The cards don't seem to be only for slots. Most casinos combine the table games and slot machines into one player’s card.

Everyone can earn comps that include, rooms, food, shows, and now and again a cash rebate. By signing up for a card additionally, you will be eligible to receive details about special promotions that can be occurring at your favorite casino. Earning comps is some way of having something extra for you casino dollar. But you can’t get them if you happen to don’t have a card.

It amazes me to look people sinking their money right into a machine without having a card inserted within the card reader. I'VE occasionally asked people why they don’t use a card and feature received several different answers.

The most typical answer is: “I don’t play enough to earn anything.” You can be surprised to look how quickly points can add up. Most players sit at a machine and can put back the small wins into the machines. The casinos call this “Churn”. It’s not uncommon to churn hundreds of bucks through a machine in an hours playing time. Why not get some extra return on those hundreds.

Another misconception I hear from players is: “When I EXPLOIT my card the machine knows and doesn’t pay off.”. That is probably probably the most common myth that players believe. There is not any connection between the cardboard reader and the slot machine. There is not any WAY that using a card will affect the best way a machine pays.

Other players tell me they're afraid to enroll because they don’t need to give out their address to the casino. The casino cannot send you any promotions in the event that they don’t have your address. I DON'T hesitate to sing up for a card whenever I visit a brand new casino. I'M surprised on the amount of offers that come my way every couple of weeks. Many casinos also are using the similar card for slots and table games. For those who play both, that is can assist your rating. The most efficient advice is to enroll and use your card. NEVER put a single coin within the machine until after getting inserted your card. Receives a commission to play!

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Lo mejor de 2013: octubre

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En el décimo mes del año, la mayoría del protagonismo recayó en Adrián Mateos merced a su victoria en el Main Event de las WSOPE. Alrededor de él giró la actualidad.

Nuestro repaso a lo sucedido a lo largo del año que en solo unos días tocará a su fin empieza a encarar su recta final, llegando ya al mes de octubre, un mes que tenemos aún muy presente en nuestras memorias.

Buena parte de culpa la tiene Adrián Mateos, quien nos hizo vibrar con una victoria en el Main Event de las WSOPE por delante de Fabrice Soulllier.

El madrileño captó gran parte de la atención de nuestro lectores, pero también lo hicieron otras noticias sucedidas a lo largo de octubre, algunas relacionadas con el propio Adrián y otras que no tenían nada que ver.

Echemos un vistazo a las 10 noticias más visitadas a lo largo de octubre.

Adrián Mateos, Rey de Europa

El joven jugador madrileño consiguió en octubre una victoria para sus intereses propios y los de la afición española, que llevábamos mucho tiempo reclamando para situar el poker nacional donde muchos creemos que se merece. El Main Event de las WSOPE conseguido en París será siempre recordado por todos.

Griffin Benger flipó viendo jugar a Amadi

Tras la victoria de Adrián, conseguimos hablar con uno de los mejores jugadores de torneos de todo el mundo. Griffin Benger “Flush Entity” creyó estar viendo a Rafa Nadal en sus inicios cuando éste estaba arrancando en el circuito profesional.

El decálogo del buen aprendiz de jugador

El noruego Andreas Torbergsen “Skjervoy” escribió unas letras a finales de octubre en las que intentaba dar unos pequeños consejos a todos aquellos que intentan dar sus primeros pasos en el mundo del poker de forma seria.

Cejakas14, doble Supernova Elite

¿Qué vamos a decir del jugador soriano que no sepamos ya? José Ángel Latorre nos sorprendía a mediados de octubre al conseguir su segundo Supernova Elite del año, y no contentos con eso, anunciaba que iba a por el tercero. ¡De locos!

El poder mental de Negreanu en nuestro CSI Poker

La sección de análisis de manos espectaculares iniciada por los profesores de EducaPoker seguía su curso. En octubre poníamos el ojo en una mano protagonizada por Negreanu, en la que ponía de manifiesto la importancia de un buen discurso a la hora de llevarse una mano que no le pertenecía.

Negreanu gana su segundo brazalete del año

Antes de que Adrián se hiciera con el protagonismo absoluto de las WSOPE, el jugador canadiense reclamó su parte de atención al ganar el WSOPE 25.600€ High Roller, lo que significaba el segundo brazalete del año en en su cuenta particular posterior hacer lo propio en la primera edición de las WSOP-APAC.

Menda se fue de Carnaval en octubre

Aunque las fiestas de disfraces son algo más habitual de febrero, a Óscar Serradell no le importó lo más mínimo atrasar la cita hasta octubre, cuando consiguió colarse en la mesa final del Carnival 800 Million Celebration de finalizando en cuarta posición. ¡Muro de 86.000$!

Así se gana el Main Event del WCOOP

“PlayinWasted” se convirtió en el ganador del torneo online más importante del año y se embolsó casi millón y medio de dólares. Éste fue su camino hacia el éxito.

George Lind III, una máquina de acumular VPPs

El Team Online de PokerStars batió en octubre el récord de VPP en, gracias en gran parte a la cuantía ingente de satélites Hyper-Turbo jugados a lo largo del WCOOP que por entonces acababa.

La peor sesión en la vida de Dwan

El americano ha sido noticia a lo largo de 2013, pero no siempre para bien. En el mes de octubre, desde Macao, Dwan hacía saber a todos sus seguidores que había firmado la peor sesión de su vida, pudiendo las pérdidas alcanzar los 4 millones de dólares. ¡WTF!

Read More... [Source: Poker Red]

Say 10-4 to the Craps Press Bet

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Many players use some form of betting systems after they play craps. Something it's important to understand is that no betting system can alter the home edge on any bet. The home edge depends upon the amount of cash the casino pays you while you win on the subject of the actual odds for the bet.

What a player hopes to perform by utilizing a betting system is to milk the quick turn fluctuations in probability. For example in craps the ratio of a seven being rolled is 6 to one. This implies in the end over billions of rolls it'll average out to a seven being rolled one time for each six rolls. However within the short turn this doesn't hold true. A player may roll three sevens in a row, or roll 50 numbers without rolling seven. This can be a short term fluctuation of the dice probabilities is the explanation why a few of these betting systems will also be profitable in some playing sessions. One system I LOVE to make use of is named the 10/4 Press.

Betting the other Point: If I'M betting the passline I REALLY LIKE to make a spot bet at the opposite choice of the purpose. Should you have a look at a couple of dice you will see the highest and bottom numbers are opposites for every number combination. The 6 is opposite of the 8. For instance: If the six is shaped by the 2 dice with 5-1 (6) on one side and the other side might be 6-2 (8). A MIX of five is the other of the 9 and the mix of four is the other of 10.

A place bet at the four or ten pays $9 for a $5 bet. If the four or the 10 is the point, I make a $5 place bet at the opposite number. I then press my place bet as much as a “buy” bet. This is the way it looks.

Place the four or ten for 5 dollars. If the shooter sevens out you might be out $5.

On the primary hit you can be paid $9Tell the dealer to Press your bet. Your pace bet will visit $10 and you'll get $4. (If the shooter now sevens out you may be minus $1)

On the second one hit you'll be paid $18. Tell the Dealer to shop for the number. The dealer increases your bet to $25 and provides you back $3. (If the Shooter now sevens out you can be plus $2)

When you purchase a number, you pay a 5% commission to be paid true odds to your bet. Whilst you buy the four or ten, you can be paid 2 to one in place of 9 to five in your bet. In some casinos you may be required to offer the commission in your buy bet up front. In other casinos you simply pay the commission when your bet wins.

On the third hit you can be paid $50 (minus $1 Commission) (IF the Shooter now sevens out you should have a profit of $51)

After the third hit you have got two options: <BR>1) You'll be able to leave your buy bet up and collect $49 for every hit. 2) You'll be able to regress your bet to $5 and take back an extra $20 profit.

Either way you've gotten made some big profits with little or no risk. That’s why I say “10-4” to pressing the four and ten place bets.

Until next time remember: "Luck comes and goes...Knowledge Stays Forever!"

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Craps - The right way to Make the chances Bet

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If the purpose number is 5 or 9 the chances bet pays $3 to $2. You need to make your odds bet in multiples of $2, so your odds bet always must be an excellent amount. If the casino offers double odds and you've got a $5 pass line bet you'll be able to bet $10 in odds.

If you desired to take not up to double odds you would need to place your odds bet must be $2-$4 $6 or $8. A good way to keep in mind the percentages for fivis that if?9 is “If the number is odd your odds need to be even.”

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Worst Five Casino Bets

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Choosing a favourite casino game often has so much to do with how well you be ready to do financially, but not always. Consistent with the newest Nevada Gaming Control Board statistics for the past THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY FIVE DAYS (large casinos only), some games hold, or win, much more than it's possible you'll think! It is not just what the home edge is, it's how much cash the casino wins overall, although there are some extenuating circumstances.

If you're accustomed to the top five casino bets, you know that while playing blackjack could also be some of the safest bets within the casino, with a home fringe of not up to 2 percent against the typical player, the home still holds over 10 percent of all of the money used to shop for chips!

Not all casino players are searhing for the similar thing. Some players wish to invest a small amount with a possibility to win so much. The largest payoff for that sort of player is Powerball, where $2 might win millions. Within the casino, that player could be taken with a slot machine with an enormous jackpot, but for the very reason the jackpot is so large, the typical return to the player is smaller than other machines; the large jackpot machine holds more of every players' overall investment (unless they hit that fleeting jackpot).

At table games, craps offers a pass and do not pass bet with a home fringe of not up to 1.5 percent, but when you bet on "any seven" the home edge is over 16 percent! At the other hand, you'll watch numerous dice with a single pass line bet, so win or lose, you are able to play longer on each bet than at other games.

Keep in mind that the next list shows the highest five winning percentage games for casinos at the Las Vegas Strip over the last THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY FIVE DAYS. The chances quoted aren't the home" edge," they're what the casino won as a percentage of all of the money dropped into the drop box at the games. For example, if players buy $1000 in chips and leave with $900 in chips, the sport wins, or holds, $100 that's 10 percent.

Fifth Worst Casino Bet

Pai Gow Poker is an excessively popular game. Players get the sensation they're answerable for their destiny because they get to set the hand (seven cards to make the most productive five-card hand and a two-card hand) the best way they would like. However, identical to video poker, you might be in control, but inspite of optimal play the home has an edge. Over the last 12 months, 30 casinos collectively have 103 tables, and the games held 20.27 percent.

Fourth Worst Casino Bet

Let it Ride has fallen in popularity since ten years ago, but there are still 49 tables to play. The player gets three cards, the dealer two, and the player uses all five to make a poker hand - essentially five card stud. A COUPLE of tens or higher produces a payoff. This past 365 DAYS the casinos held 23.08 percent of all chip purchases.

Third Worst Casino Bet

Keno are available at most casinos, and while it's not as popular because it once was, possible play a game for as little a buck while eating dinner. Consider it the mini-lottery, an excellent time-killer for small cash. You can too play on machines, where the chances are better and the games are 100x faster! For the live version, the casinos held 30.16 percent this past year.

Second Worst Casino Bet

Sports Parlay Cards are great, especially in the course of the football season. For a couple of dollars you have got action all day - so long as your picks keep winning. Most parlay cards require that you just win every number of no less than three or four games. It is a tough go, and that is the reason why the cards held 30.54 percent of the entire money wagered on them last year!

The Worst Casino Bet

Three Card Poker is the fourth hottest casino table game when it comes to both selection of games, and total drop. The sport is fast, easy to play, and has the attraction of payoffs as high as 40-1 on a straight flush and 50-1 on a mini-royal, which do hit very often. The home edge may be reasonable at the ante bet, at just not up to 4 percent. The pair plus wager holds a miles higher 7.28 percent edge. Combined, the total edge for both bets is set 5.32 percent (although much lower with the mini-royal bonus).

While Three Card Poker could be very popular, the player can be making two wagers with a combined house fringe of over 5 percent, two to a few times worse than the home edge at blackjack, and about eight times worse than a reliable basic strategy blackjack player encounters.

Casino gambling is fun, so is hitting some big payoffs, which Three Card Poker provides on a reasonably regular basis. However, during the last 12 months, the 147 tables found at 33 casinos (again, the biggest casinos) held a combined total of 31.61 percent, making Three Card Poker the worst, or most costly game to play in Nevada casinos. Obviously your results will vary, but if in comparison to those blackjack numbers at 10.32 percent, it's a dear game to play.

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Which Casinos Offer the most efficient Comps?

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Ever wonder where you get the most productive casino comps? Complementary issues from casinos are available in all styles and sizes. And, the problem rate of every complimentary item, or the relative "value" of your play, varies by casino and geographic location. Figuring your comp value because it pertains to your play may also be confusing, especially since casinos rarely provide you with a rate or ratio you'll be able to apply for your range of play. With the intention to get comped, you have to join a casino's player's club and use your card when gambling.

Unfortunately this implies there are not any hard and fast rules, but generally the casinos of Nevada are very similar to those of Atlantic City, Mississippi and Illinois. However, the positioning of the casino could make a large difference. While most Atlantic City casinos comp very strictly in response to what has accumulated to your player's club card, some Nevada casinos don't seem to be nearly as strict, although the bigger Strip casinos do appear to follow this trend.

It never hurts to invite specifically what your play is getting you're feeling. free to invite probably the most player's club hosts or a pit boss what the comp rate is on your play. Attempt to get an hourly rate from them. These kind of people know what the velocity for his or her casino is, but is probably not at liberty to inform you.

Slot rates are quite confusing, but table game rates are easier. In lots of cases, your question may receive a solution such as, "we comp $2 for an hour of $25 bets." So if you happen to play $25 per hand of blackjack, you'll be able to expect to accrue $10 in comp value for 5 hours of play. Some clubs comp more, some comp (seriously) less.

Important Tips and Tricks

Obviously you must always use your card, but your rate of tracking for table games can easily be influenced. Many supervisors have a look at the primary bet they see after they pick up your card and write that down or enter that quantity into the pc system. If you happen to average $25, don't start within the basement with a $5 bet while you hit the table. That might cost you numerous within the old comp bank! And, do not be afraid to invite a supervisor what your average bet is. While you do that they're going to invariably come up with a better number, to be nice and never need to fight with you. Really.

Heading to Nevada?

If our are heading to Nevada, consider for a moment what form of player you're. If you would like to be in Vegas, well, visit Vegas, but when you wish to have value and comp value, there are many choices!

Casinos that cater to locals in Las Vegas are off the Strip, but they often have more liberal comp policies. And, because their room rates and meals are less expensive than the Strip resorts, the comp points you earn go so much further.

If you need real value right now, even lower limit (read: $5 bet) players can find deals in places like Laughlin. Town is 100 miles from Las Vegas along the Southern Nevada border with Arizona. Town boasts nine casinos along the Colorado River and room rate specials often run $39 or less mid-week and meals are still an even value. Whilst you get a complimentary meal at Don Laughlin's Riverside for the Prime Rob Room overlooking the Colorado River, it won't take your whole comp points for the reason that meals start at $12.95

If you head down the street a couple of miles to the Avi Casino, you will see that a casino that likes to comp players. Like a couple of other casinos, they still offer a double comp for your play, meaning you get comp points to make use of for meals and rooms, plus your whole points count towards cash-back.

If you're spending time in Northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe is wonderful, however the comp value in Reno is far better. That is partly because like Laughlin, the room rates are more reasonable within the larger town of Reno.

Reno offers greater than a dozen hotel casinos and you'll always find great meal values (like $2.29 breakfasts etc.) and reasonable room rates. Since the town offers lower limit gaming than Las Vegas, some of the casinos provide a greater comp value than Las Vegas casinos.

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Rodman Returns to North Korea

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Rodman claims to be looking to arrange a chain of goodwill basketball games between the North Korean men's team and a spread of NBA players. The primary game is scheduled for January 2014 -- slated for Kim Jong-un's birthday -- and the tentative plan is for the sport to be more good-natured than a gripping battle, with the NBA squad splitting up for the second one half and playing together with some North Korean players.

Rodman has said he hopes the games can assist thaw relations between North Korea and the U.S... but reaction world wide was mixed. Rodman also hasn't yet gotten firm committments from any NBA players to take part, something that may be harder within the wake of executions of varied North Korean politicians.

Rodman is being sponsored by online sportsbook Paddy Power, who has used Rodman in various promotional efforts centered on a few of their zanier prop bets. Paddy Power and Rodman originally linked up when a brand new Pope was being elected, with Rodman riding around Italy in a popemobile to check out to spin up interest within the papal prop bets Paddy Power offered.

The sportsbook was offering a money-back bet if the brand new pope was black, which the corporate did not have to pay out on when Pope Francis was elected. It was during that promotion that the theory hatched of sending Rodman to North Korea to establish a world basketball tournament, with Rodman ultimately making three trips to the rustic as a part of the efforts.

Kim Jong-un is reported to be an enormous basketball fan with the Chicago Bulls teams of yore a selected favorite of his. He and Rodman has been very chummy and frolicked on each of Rodman's trips -- an unlikely turn for the hard-partying basketball star who'd seemingly represent the entire excess within the Western world that North Korean leaders have publicly despised for decades.

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