Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A must read book: "The Political Brain"

I have just finished "The Political Brain: The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation" by Drew Westen, and it a must read for any political junkies, theorists, strategists and passionate believers. What Westen has done is use his training as a psychologist, his years of experience with psychological studies and his great intellect to make crystal clear: emotion wins the day, not a list of carefully thought out position papers. The model of the dispassionate mind, which is one that many consultants believe in, is wrong. Dead wrong.

Now I admit to several prejudices. First, this is exactly what we have done with the films and shorts, which is get the emotion, get the heart, and then and only then, add the facts. Westen articulates this with study after study, story after story,



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