Thursday, May 29, 2014

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Most table game players will tip the dealers while they're playing by having a bet for them. Some will just tip their dealer after they leave the sport. But what about slot players, are they expected to tip who should they tip?
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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Rumores sobre la venta de PokerStars al grupo Amaya Gaming

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La explicación a semejante movimiento sería facilitar la entrada en el mercado estadounidense de la sala de la pica roja

La compañía canadiense Amaya Gaming Group, proveedora de soluciones tanto para el sector del juego presencial como para el juego online, podría estar preparando la absorción de PokerStars.

Al menos, CalvinAyre le da credibilidad a varias fuentes que dan cuerpo a estos rumores, que aunque parecen imposibles a primera vista, tras un pequeño análisis de la situación quizá tengan visos de realidad.

Con las cifras sobre la mesa, La capitalización bursátil de Amaya, que ronda los 500.000.000$ no parece suficiente para adquirir la sala de la pica roja, que solo por solucionar su situación con el Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos abonó más de 700.000.000$.

Amaya ha venido creciendo a base de de comprar otras empresas, pero lejos de ser un argumento a favor de la rutina casi lo es en contra, pues aún tiene capital invertido que amortizar de varias de las más recientes.

¿De dónde vienen los rumores, entonces? Lo que se puede estar cociendo es lo que se conoce como una absorción inversa, en la que la constitución que inicia la adquisición es la menos potente de ambas.

La razón detrás de esta maniobra podría ser esquivar las famosas cláusulas “bad actor” incluidas ya en alguna de las normativas estatales aprobadas en el recientemente legalizado mercado online de los Estados Unidos y que aparecen en futuros proyectos de ley de estados tan importantes como California.

Estas cláusulas están pensadas exclusivamente para alejar de los mercados estatales a las salas que siguieron operando en Estados Unidos posterior 2006, tras la aprobación de la UIGEA, especialmente a PokerStars y Full Tilt Poker, ambas propiedad de The Rational Group.

Bajo el paraguas de Amaya, PokerStars entraría directamente en el mercado de Nueva Jersey, ya que los canadienses tienen licencia en vigor en aquel estado, y quedaría fuera automáticamente del alcance de las listas negras del resto de mercados.

Como siempre, la Bolsa da alguna que otra pista sobre la credibilidad de los rumores, y Amaya lleva revalorizándose varios días, creciendo cerca de un 30% en menos de una semana.

El grupo Amaya ha emitido una nota bastante neutra descartando en cierta manera la validez de los rumores de una próxima operación de compra, en general, sin nombrar siquiera a PokerStars.

En respuesta a la actividad bursátil que puede provenir de los rumores que han llegado a la atención de la constitución respecto a una potencial adquisición estratégica, Amaya Gaming Group ha constatado que las adquisiciones estratégicas han sido y son un componente de la estrategia de crecimiento de el establecimiento y, por tanto, Amaya evalúa regularmente oportunidades de adquisición.

De tiempo en tiempo, esta rutina lleva a iniciar conversaciones con posibles objetivos de compra. No hay seguridad alguna de que tales discusiones lleven finalmente a una transacción.

Como política general, Amaya no comenta públicamente sobre posibles adquisiciones a menos que se haya firmado un consentimiento legal. La constitución no tiene intención de hacer nuevos anuncios o comentarios sobre rumores presentes en el mercado a menos que y hasta que dichos rumores tengan garantías.

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US Players welcome @ ACR


Don't Lose Control

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Casinos are within the entertainment business and prefer different kinds of entertainment we think to pay a worth for admission. Unlike a film or Theme Park, the cost of entertainment within the casino isn't a hard and fast expense. You'll be able to spend slightly otherwise you can spend so much. In some instance you have got a shot at being paid on your entertainment whilst you win on the games. The truth is that almost all of the players lose once they visit the casino. That is the cost they pay to play the games and the casinos are entitled to charge for supplying the gaming tables, dealers and machines. However you need to realize that their primary business is separating you out of your money and making you think that you’re having fun while they do it.

The casino is a spot of bling and glamour. The thrill of the sights and sounds and the overall atmosphere help so as to add to a fantasy world. Many of us get caught up within the excitement. When this occurs you'll be able to get over excited and gamble greater than you ought to. Even the most efficient folks will also be caught off guard and lose control after we fall into one of the vital casino traps that were designed to have us spend more. Listed here are some things to bear in mind whilst you visit the casino.

1) There aren't any clocks or windows in most casinos. They would like you to overlook time and just take care of the games. Always wear an eye and set a cut-off date for you gambling activities.2) They convert you money into chips on the tables. You end up taking a look at the chips and seeing red and green tokens. You lose the sense that that is really money. This results in over betting. Remember chips are money.

2) The various new slot machines use bill receptors that covert your bills into machine credits. Once your dollars become credits they appear to lose value. Most of the newer machines also use the ticket out system. Players generally tend to play out a couple of credits as opposed to be bothered taking the slip to the cage. Put smaller denomination bills within the machine to start out each session. For those who lose it take a break.

3) Finally the pace of the casino is fast. The dealers attempt to deal at lightning speed. Take a second to ensure you are playing you hand correctly on the tables. If you're playing the machines, decelerate the velocity you're hitting the spin button.

4) They provide you with FREE drinks if you are playing. There's nothing like a couple of cocktails to chill out your inhibitions. One gambling writer I DO KNOW calls free drinks “Chip Remover.” Use moderation or wait until once you finish playing before you've gotten any alcohol.

5) Don’t get greedy. Something that turns winners into losers is the notion that after they win they're fiddling with the casino’s money. While you win, it’s YOUR MONEY. Don’t give it back. Whilst you get ahead take half your winning and put it in a distinct pocket. It’s easy to depart the casino when all of your money is gone. It takes discipline to stroll away if you find yourself ahead. Discipline and control is what separates winners from losers.

6) Set your entertainment price before you visit the casino. Don’t take extra money to the casino than you'll be able to afford to lose.

Keep the following tips in mind whilst you visit the casino and it'll let you enjoy yourself without spending greater than you had planned to maintain. in mind, if you happen to don’t discover ways to handle YOUR money, the casino will do it for you once it becomes THEIR money!

Until next time, remember: "Luck comes and goes...Knowledge Stays Forever!"

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Los dominicales de hoy llegan abarrotados de billetes a Marbella

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^Hoy domingo, los torneos más importantes de PokerStars vienen con premio extra. Hasta 27 entradas para el siguiente ESPT+UKIPT de Marbella serán puestas en circulación.
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Royal Ace Casino

Royal Ace - Signup Offer


Ten Stuff you Didn't Find out about Casinos

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Americans have a major love affair with casino gambling. That's great, but to maintain it great you must curb your enthusiasm every now and then and play within your bankroll. Believe it or not, the casinos were built to provide you an opportunity to make masses of cash. In fact your possibilities of doing so are pretty slim, but there's always that chance, and that is what keeps us playing. After all you already knew that, but it's possible you'll not know a couple of other things.Ten Belongings you May not Find out about Casinos

ONE Casinos use thousands of cameras. While older casinos just like the Cal-Neva in Reno didn't bother with camera coverage for all in their table games as low as TWO DECADES ago, modern casinos have such a lot of cameras that the surveillance staff, as large because it might be, can't even watch all of the views. After all you never know which of them are being watched at anyone time and everything is digital these days, so video from every camera is accessible for later viewing. Should you think nobody is watching, think again!

TWO Casinos lose money on 1 / 4 in their guests. Research shows that while most players finally end up losing money at their favorite casinos; the high cost of the property, staff, and complimentary items keep casinos from beating everyone. After all those patrons who play little or no or are accompanying real players make up a big component of this group, but there are lots of players which can be actually in a position to win over a protracted time frame. This group includes blackjack card counters, however the largest percentage is made from players who gamble barely enough to quality for freebies and complimentary giveaways like free rooms and meals.

THREE You will get free stuff! Casinos are all about signing-up new guests to their player's clubs. Whilst you sign-up you can get free cash, a room, a meal, or anyone of a dozen free things. So long as you play you'll earn additional complimentary gifts. Casinos usually attempt to hold the road on these comps to under 20 percent of a player's expected loss, but savvy blackjack players can earn back the majority in their estimated losses by playing excellent basic strategy.

FOUR You cannot act like an idiot. Well, that isn't true, you'll be able to act like an idiot, however the casino can throw you out or have you ever arrested. Although a small percentage of players think they need to be capable of do anything and say anything at their local casino, most properties have strict rules about behavior, and that comes with language. You can not drop the "F" bomb once you feel like it, and when you do, the dealer, floor supervisor, or Pit boss may let you know to knock it off. You would not "F" bomb the waitress within the coffee shop, so why do you're thinking that you are able to do it to the dealer? Stick with it and you'll be asked to go away. Resist, and you'll be arrested.

FIVE You may be barred from playing for winning an excessive amount of. A casino is a business, and prefer any good business, the managers watch the base line. In most gaming jurisdictions (Not in Atlantic City) a player who's suspected of being a bonus player (shuffle tracking, ace tracking, card counting) could also be barred from playing specific games. Some properties have even changed their rules of play for video poker players.

SIX You'll always call Gaming Control or the local gaming regulatory agency in case you feel you've been cheated. Every casino has oversight, and guest complaints are reviewed. In case you have a valid issue they're there that can assist you. When you've got a frivolous complaint or a guest-service related issue, overlook it. Take those complaints to the casino manager. And, don't expect any complaint to be handled for your favor if you're rude, demanding, and wrong.

SEVEN You cannot cash a check, money order, or cashier's check at many casinos. Those days are over. You probably have established credit or done the paperwork for check cashing privileges, that's one thing, but you will not be capable of cash a money order or a cashier's check on the cashier's cage. Casinos are within the entertainment business, they usually aren't amused by bad checks. Cashier's checks and money orders cannot be verified and are sometimes forged. Forget it!

EIGHT You may get a check. Although you could have won a considerable jackpot, either on a slot machine or at a table game, and been paid in cash or chips, you'll be in a position to get a check to take home in place of carrying cash. If you need a check, ask the supervisor right away, before you might be paid. You may also get a part of the payout in cash and part via check at most casinos. Table games are a little bit different, but they are able to accommodate your request. You will not know until you ask.

NINE You need to produce ID when asked. A current photo ID might be essential to prove your age for gambling or drinking, and plenty of casinos demand that any patron at the casino floor has a valid, current photo ID. Should you would not have one, you'll be asked to go away. In addition, any jackpot you were hoping to gather on is also held on the cage until you produce ID, possibly including a social security card.

TEN Casinos really don't mind for those who win. Although card counters and advantage players is also asked to forestall playing, gaming management and dealers really don't mind in the event you win. It's good for business, because a contented customer tells others about their experience, and most players are only holding their winnings for some time until they arrive back and take a look at again. As for the dealers, they're usually more than happy if you're winning, especially in the event you make sure you tip them occasionally. Honest, casinos want you to win!

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]