Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Horse Betting. Live Racing

Horse Betting at BetOnline


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Most players know that hitting the large jackpot is an issue of luck and a few of them resort to a couple interesting and infrequently bizarre rituals in their own to insure good luck while they play. When you have ever openly or secretly performed a lucky ritual, rest assured, you aren't alone. Here's a have a look at a few of them.
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The craps odds bet is the most productive bet within the casino because there's no house edge. The bet isn't listed at the craps layout but knowledgeable craps players know all about it. Many casinos are higher offering odds which might be good for the player, and hurries up the sport in addition.
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The Martingale system involves doubling your bet after each loss. Many players try it and feature initial success. Someday they discover the disastrous consequences of using the program.
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Slot machines ma look alike but there are may different typs. It's a must to read the fron of the machine to figure out what form of slot machine you might be playing.
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Leo Margets se despide definitivamente de su aventura televisiva

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La catalana, que se mostró dispuesta a continuar y muy entera, fue la expulsada de la gala de ayer lunes. Y ya no hay palafitos ni rebuys que la mantengan allí.

Se acabó la etapa de Leo Margets como concursante del programa "Supervivientes". La catalana fue expulsada por la audiencia ayer lunes, por segunda semana consecutiva, pero esta vez no había ningún mecanismo para mantenerla en Honduras.

Leo puede estar bien contenta de la imagen dada en el programaLeo puede estar bien contenta de la imagen dada en el programa

La semana pasada, los votos del público condenaron a la catalana a compartir exilio con un compañero del concurso en el llamado palafito, una plataforma de madera sobre el mar que solo podía abandonar durante tres horas al día y a la que ayer llegaba un nuevo ocupante, 

Dos son compañía y tres son multitud, así que se organizó un voto rápido que decretó la despedida de Leo, que se tomó la noticia con deportividad.

Me ha servido para conocerme un poco más, pero jugar es lo que tiene, pueden eliminarte.

La eliminación fue una relativa sorpresa, pues la actitud y el desempeño de la catalana durante la nueva semana, y en el conjunto de su participación, arrancó felicitaciones y halagos de todos los presentes en el plató.

Leo ha estado cerca de mes y medio en los cayos del país centroamericano y volverá a España visiblemente más delgada, pero siempre con una sonrisa en la boca.

Le tocará completar el ciclo de recuperación en Honduras, el viaje a Madrid, el paso por la gala en vivo y ya por fin la tendremos de nuevo entre nosotros, con tiempo más que suficiente para retomar el circuito quizá a principios de junio, en el PokerStars Marbella Festival, y de ahí a Las Vegas.

Su actuación como representante de nuestro mundillo ante una audiencia mayoritariamente ignorante de los entresijos del poker solo puede calificarse de excelente, con una demostración de valores muy positivos que ojalá la gente vincule a nuestro juego favorito: adaptación, iniciativa, deportividad y competitividad.

GG Leo, bienvenida a casa.

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Planet 7 Casino

Planet7- Signup Offer


Beating Roulette with Column Play

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Roulette is a favourite casino gambling game for millions of players the world over. In Europe, most roulette wheels have only a single zero, making the chances against the player 2.7 percent. In North America, most roulette wheels have a nil and a double zero, so the home odds are much higher at 5.26 percent. With this in mind, any time you have got a possibility to play a single-zero wheel, make the most. However, beating roulette with column play can also be done on either game.

Successful roulette gambling includes strict money management of your gambling bankroll. In addition, beating roulette involves some luck, some attention in your system, and understanding that streaks on the game can go way past what a player might think is cheap. However, being on a winning streak of 6, 8, and even 10 straight hits is rather a hurry! Learn to play roulette before embarking on any wagering!

Column Bets

Regardless of what form of roulette wheel you play, the layout would be the same, together with three long columns of numbers that extend along the length of the table. Each column contains twelve numbers, and a wager on any column is known as an outside bet. Inside bets are those who are on specific numbers.

Each column bet pays 2 to one. Your column bet wins when one of the crucial 12 numbers within the column are spun. Your bet loses when none of them are spun. On a single-zero wheel there are 25 numbers that lose and only 12 that win. Every bet you are making is against the home odds, but some systems has been devised to check out and profit from streaks in numbers.

Any bet on a single column may have a 12/37 chance of winning (single zero), so your bet will win .324 percent of the time. Gambling is by nature, an excessively volatile experience. Bet a column ten times and you will win all ten bets, or none of them. That is the fun and the joys. However, losing an excessive amount of of your bankroll should obviously be avoided, so the very first thing to do is about your table stakes.

Any trip to the casino puts your bankroll in danger. For safety's sake, only risk a small amount of your total bankroll on any trip. A FAIR rule of thumb is to make use of only 10 percent on each trip. Let's say that you're currently playing on a $200 buy-in.

Each roulette table can have a minimum and a maximum amount you'll be able to wager on both outside and inside bets. Your outside column wager may be at least $5. Although there is not any scientific basis and the thinking follows the gambler's fallacy, most players wait until their specific column has not won recently.

Bets on columns pay 2 to 1, so any streak of some loses may also be recouped if a winner does spin. AN EFFORTLESS system involves a starting wager of $5 at the first spin, and if the wager doesn't win, the bet is then increased to better amounts until a winner hits or the bankroll is exhausted. AN EASY progression that returns a profit when a streak ends goes: $5, $5, $6, $9, $13, $20. If the wager still doesn't win at $20, a lack of $58 is taken or $30 is the following bet. If it loses, a gamble of $45 is next, followed by a last bet of $67.

If the column bet finally hits at the 9th spin with a $67 bet, the player has $201. If it misses, all of the $200 bankroll is lost. Nine straight column misses is usual. Risking all of the $200 stake to win $1 seems extreme, so most players work with the streak.

Betting a Column Streak

As one can find after playing a couple of hours of roulette, streaks are common. And, as with other table games like craps, the amount of cash that may be won is far greater whilst you follow a streak, especially when your payoff is often 2 to one. Even a brief streak of 3 or four wins can really help your bankroll. There are two types of betting a column streak: aggressive and passive.

Passive betting starts with a $5 wager and every time it wins the bet is increased by $1. On this way, a streak of 5 wins would produce wagers of $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10. The full invested is solely $5, since that was the unique wager. The return is: $9+$11+$13+$15+$17= $65 (13 units) or a win of $60 before a brand new start and wager of $5 is attempted.

Aggressive betting starts with a $5 wager and jumps $5 with each win. On this way, a streak of 5 wins would produce wagers of $5, $10, $15, $20, $25, $30. The entire invested continues to be only $5, however the return is now: $5+$15+$25+$35+$45= $125 or a win of $120 (24 units) before a brand new start and wager of $5 is attempted.

Some players start with the passive betting until their bankroll has improved for the evening after which try the aggressive approach. Hyper-aggressive play can include doubling-up at the first win and following a big gamble pattern of $10 increases similar to $5, $15, $25, $35, $45, $55. This returns $200 on a streak of 5 winners, doubling the starting bankroll.

Obviously essentially the most money might be made when a perfect streak of many winners comes along, but players always have the opportunity of forestalling their bets before a streak ends or reducing on their wager to the starting amount. Sometimes a mixed progression might appear to be this: $5, $10, $20, $30, $40, $30, $20, $10...

Regardless of which system you use, betting columns will also be fun and often profitable!

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Online Casino Games For Xmas

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^A participant must restrict himself or herself when staking bets inside a slot machine game. Online Casino Games provides the correct via the web slot for xmas so don’t forget to visit them. The reality is, when a person begins to cut back bets, it’s best to halt. Also, the restrict must hardly […]
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Dos latinos a la conquista del viejo continente

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Mayu Roca y Matías Ruzzi se cuelan en el día 4 a falta de 41 jugadores. Adrián Naya y Ana Märquez lograron pasar a través de caja, pero cayeron eliminados a lo largo del día de hoy.

Intensa jornada de poker la que hemos vivido hoy con motivo del día 3 del PokerStars and Monte-Carlo® Casino European Poker Tour Grand Final, en la que a falta de 123 aspirantes, todavía manteníamos vivas las esperanzas depositadas en Ana Márquez y Adrián Naya.

Todas nuestras fuerzas con Mayu y Matías.Todas nuestras fuerzas con Mayu y Matías.

El gallego arrancaba la jornada con un stack más cómodo que el de Ana. Con 245.000 puntos, “Nayita” podría permitirse atizar la burbuja de premios, mientras que Ana, que no superaba los 60.000, debía buscar oxígeno de debajo de las piedras.

Un buen soplo de aire fresco se lo proporcionó Vasili Firsau, quien en una guerra de botón contra ciega grande, decidió poner toda la presión en Ana, que había abierto en la mejor posición de la mesa. Ana no dudó ni un segundo en pagar con sus QQ, doblándose frente al A3 del jugador ruso.

Aún lograría doblarse una vez, más, pero poco posterior que Aghsin Rasulov, cayera eliminado en burbuja de premios con dobles pareja contra la “trucha” de su rival, llegaría la hora de la malagueña. Así vivíamos la burbuja de premios.

Poco posterior que ya 95 jugadores estuvieran en premios, en pleno carrusel de eliminaciones premiadas, llegaba el turno de Ana Márquez. Sus QQ no aguantaban ante el AQ de su contrincante. Un A en el flop, sentenciaba a la malagueña a la 79ª posición haciéndose con un botín de 19.200€.

Nos quedábamos solo con Adrián Naya en liza. Los astros dio una impresión favorecerían al jugador gallego, cuando llegaba al último descanso del día con un stack superior a la media, pero entonces todo se cruzó.

A Adrián le cazaban un farol con tercera pareja, lo que le hacía retroceder por debajo de la línea de las 20 ciegas. Era momento de buscar un “spot” favorable e intentar doblar para pasar al día 4 con un mínimo de garantías, pero entonces todo se truncó.

El típico flip por la supervivencia cayó del lado de la cruz. Los 22 con los que se restaba “Nayita” no eran capaces de aguantar contra el AT de su rival, lo que sentenciaba al “atizador gallego” a la 45ª posición, haciéndose con un premio de 24.400€. Gran torneo con un resultado que supo a poco.

Un atizador en toda su esencia.

Ya sin españoles a los que animar, todas nuestras fuerzas y todo nuestro ánimo van a parar a los dos latinos que todavía siguen con las alternativas intactas.

El colombiano Mayu Roca dio todo un recital en la mesa televisada. Eliminando a jugadores de la talla de Philipp Gruissem, y firmando manos de bella factura contra el mismísimo Ole Schemio “wizowizo”, Mayu lograba situar su pila de fichas en nada menos que 946.000 puntos, lo que le sitúa en la cuarta posición de la tabla provisional.

Durante uno de los descansos pudimos recoger sus impresiones. Todo era optimismo por entonces, como finalmente se acabó confirmando.

Igual de notable fue la actuación del argentino Matías Ruzzi. Empezó sentado con la incómoda presencia de “Nayita” justo a su izquierda, pero una vez sacaron de su mesa al español, el jugador argentino pudo desplegar su juego, coincidiendo con una mano clave que le catapultó hasta la parte noble de la tabla.

Matías sentenció de muerte a Johannes Strassman cuando las JJ del germano se toparon con los KK del argelino. A partir de ahí, solo hubo que guardar el stack e intentar explotar los spots más favorables. De ese modo consiguió cerrar su actuación con un saludable stack de 746.000 puntos, metido de lleno en los puestos de cabeza.

Éstas eran sus palabras en el nuevo descanso del día, justo cuando se encontraba en plena cresta de la ola.

Pero más allá de las eliminaciones españolas, la jornada estuvo plagada de “KO’s” ilustres. Por el camino quedaban jugadores de la talla de Pascal Lefrançois (95º - 19.200€), Stephen Chidwick (84º - 19.200€), Sam Trickett (75º - 19.200€), JC Alvarado (62º - 21.800€), Igor Kurganov (52º - 24.400€) o Nick Maimone “FU 15” (57º - 21.800€).

Precisamente con éste último tuvimos ocasión de hablar justo anterior caer eliminado. Al americano se le torcieron las cosas de qué manera en el penúltimo nivel del día, pasando de 350.000 puntos a cero en apenas tres manos.

Nos habló de temas variados, como su residencia en Honduras, su actuación en acciones humanitarias e incluso de sus planes sobre las WSOP y el SCOOP. Una interesante conversación con uno de los jugadores más exitosos de la red.

La general en estos momentos la lidera el alemán Malte Moening con 1.150.000 puntos, el único capaz de necesitar siete dígitos para contar su stack. Ahí van los stacks más destacados de la jornada.

Día 3 EPT Grand FinalJugadorPuntuación
Malte Moennig (ALE)1.150.000
Sebastian Von Topeczer (ALE)996.000
Eros Nastasi (ITA)995.000
Mayu Roca (COL)946.000
Nicholas Petrangelo (USA)840.000
Scott Clements (USA)797.000
Matías Ruzzi (ARG)746.000
Steven Silverman (USA)605.000
David Yan (NZ)599.000
Vladimir Troyanovskiy (RUS)572.000
Dani Stern (USA)454.000
Christoph Vogelsang (ALE)410.000
Mark Teltscher (UK)356.000
Emil Patel (USA)336.000
Vasili Firsau (BIE)290.000
Ville Wahlbeck (FIN)289.000
David Williams (USA)253.000
Noah Boeken (HOL)200.000
Jack Salter (UK)97.000

Con 41 jugadores todavía en pie, todos ellos tienen ya 24.400€ garantizados. Veremos si los dos latinos que quedan en juego son capaces de avanzar una jornada más en su camino hacia la mesa final.

Desde nuestra cobertura en directo, que volverá a ponerse en marcha a partir de las 12:00h, les mandaremos todo el ánimo posible, al mismo tiempo que hacemos convertirse en vuestras casas todas sus andanzas.

¡Suerte para la doble M, Matías y Mayu! 

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

How Casinos Earn a living

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Casinos make a profit by offering games of chance where the typical payouts are not up to the income produced by the whole wagers. Exactly how that is accomplished and the terms utilized in producing casino records and income are explained below.

The Handle

Regardless of what form of casino gambling is offered, an important term for any gaming operator is the handle. The handle is the entire amount of cash bet. At a game like craps, all the bets made on a table contribute to the handle, whether the bets win or lose, are made with cash or chips, and are paid even money for bets just like the pass line or 30-1 for bets like two and 12.

Players often confuse the handle (total bets) with the drop. For a casino, the drop is the cash (or credit) exchanged for chips. At a game like blackjack the whole drop is what's present in the metal drop box attached to the table that each one bills and markers (credit slips) are dropped in to. Every so often the term handle is used interchangeably with the term drop.

House Edge

The statistical advantage that the casino has on each game, and every bet, is named the house edge. This theoretical advantage the casino holds over the player on any single bet is what makes the sport gambling, for the end result is unknown, and without reference to who holds the edge, either party may win at anyone time.

For the ground line, the casino win is the web dollars retained by the casino in any case bets are paid. This is a negative amount - any time the players win greater than the casino holds. The hold percentage is the connection of the casino win to the drop.

If a slot machine has $100 inserted into it during an afternoon and pays out $80, the casino win is $20. However, the hold percentage relies on total bets. Whether it is a $1 per spin machine and the machine recorded 1000 spins, then $1000 was wagered. Winning a complete of $20 means the hold percentage is solely $20/$1000 or 2/100 that's 2-percent.

Explaining the Hold Percentage

The hold percentage is best explained on a roulette table with a nil and double zero - the everyday American wheel. In this game the casino has a home fringe of 5.26 percent. However, on the end of a shift, the sport is probably going to win as regards to 20 percent of the drop. For each $100 within the drop box, the home will likely have a hold percentage of 20 percent. It's because a player is probably going to make many bets, over and over, every time against a home fringe of 5.26 percent. They win some, they lose some, and finally lose what they were willing to risk in this particular table.

Factors Influencing Casino Handle

The most vital influence on casino handle is what's known as "time on device." Without reference to what's bet, if there aren't any players, there's no handle and no profit. Casinos maximize their income once they find how you can increase not only their house edge, however the average bet AND the volume of time each gaming device (table spot or slot machine) is in action.

As a business model, the total handle is a made of capacity of use, game speed, and average bet. Because of this all players club comps are in line with your average bet and the hours played, not on how much you win or lose!

A casino with 1000 slot machines is solely successful in the event that they are in constant use. However, the utilization of game space and betting minimums at table games may also be deceiving. This is the reason it's rare to peer a blackjack game with a low $2 or $5 minimum, although players are wandering around desirous to play that quantity while there are several $25 tables with out a players.

This phenomenon is better explained by the maths produced for expected win per hour at a blackjack table. With six players betting $2 per hand, a dealer can get out 375 hands to the players. The full wagers (excluding double downs and splits) will equal $750 and the home expects to win 2 percent, or $15. However, only a single player at a $25 table will produce $4125 in bets per hour where the home expects to win 2 percent and a complete of $82.

Obviously the $25 game could be dead at times, but that single player easily makes up the difference, and if all of the tables have low limits and there are not any seats available for the massive better then the home is losing out.

So, some decisions at your local casino are made for player comfort to increase the volume of time played, and a few decisions are made simply according to casino income, as with every business. The above example also probably illustrates pretty much why a $5 blackjack player can only expect to earn about 30-cents per hour in comp value from their play.

The casino expects the player to get 60 hands per hour, so their total bets per hour equals $120. Using the similar 2 percent house edge, the casino will retain about $2.40 from their play. Giving back 30-cents equals a comp value of 12.5 percent, that is pretty good. Most casinos hold the road between 10 and 15 percent.

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Horse Betting. Live Racing

Horse Betting at BetOnline


How you can Make a Pass Line Bet

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Example: A BRAND NEW shooter rolls the dice for the primary time they usually land on a three and a three. The whole is six, which becomes the purpose"." The dealer places a marker that appears like a hockey puck at the number 6 at the craps layout. The shooter must now roll a six before he rolls a 7.
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Blackjack Rules for the Beginner

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The dealer will always hit until they get no less than 17. When the dealer's up-card is 2, 3, 4, FIVE OR SIX they're going to must take a card. Hit to enhance your hand but try to not go over 21. Whilst you get to 17 on a hard-hand, stop hitting. You probably have 12 or more and the dealer has to hit, stand.

Double Down

A double down permits you to bet as much as an amount equal on your original wager at the draw of a single card. The table limit sign will inform you what two cards you're allowed to double down on. It's a must to turn your cards over to suggest a double down, usually done when the player has two cards that total 10 or 11.

You can also be in a position to double down on soft-hands, where your first two cards are an ace and a small card. Don't do that against a dealer's up card of 8, 9, 10 or ace, or whilst you hold 19 or 20.


Anytime your first two cards are the similar value, comparable to a deuce and a deuce, you may also split them and play two separate hands. While a double down may also be played for any amount as much as your original wager, a split hand need to be for a similar amount originally bet.

Match your original bet and the dealer will handle the cards for you and get you started at the first hand. You're going to get a second card at the hand in your right. Then you definitely have the opportunity of hitting, standing, or splitting again. You may also split to make as much as four hands at most casinos.

Some clubs allow the player to double down after a split, a good idea for the player.

You must always split aces, but if you receive a 10 on an ace you should have 21, not blackjack. Therefore you won't be paid 3-2.


Some casinos offer a surrender option: "early surrender," for those who can take the choice before the dealer looks under a 10 for a blackjack; and "late surrender," in the event that they only allow surrender after the dealer peaks for blackjack.

Either surrender option will also be helpful for the player, as you're going to sometimes end up with a terrible hand like hard 15 or 16 against a dealer up-card of 10 or ace. In the event you use the surrender option, the dealer takes half your bet and your cards - you might be done with the hand.


Blackjack is the most well liked card game present in most casinos. The collection of decks used and other house rules change the casino's overall win expectation. However, so long as the casino offers the various options presented here, you ought to be in a position to rejoice playing blackjack.

To improve your probabilities of winning, read some Tips and Method to increase your fun and get probably the most from your blackjack experience.

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Blackjack Rules for the Beginner

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The dealer will always hit until they get no less than 17. When the dealer's up-card is 2, 3, 4, FIVE OR SIX they are going to need to take a card. Hit to enhance your hand but try to not go over 21. While you get to 17 on a hard-hand, stop hitting. If in case you have 12 or more and the dealer has to hit, stand.

Double Down

A double down permits you to bet as much as an amount equal on your original wager at the draw of a single card. The table limit sign will let you know what two cards you're allowed to double down on. It's important to turn your cards over to suggest a double down, usually done when the player has two cards that total 10 or 11.

You can also be in a position to double down on soft-hands, where your first two cards are an ace and a small card. Don't do that against a dealer's up card of 8, 9, 10 or ace, or whilst you hold 19 or 20.


Anytime your first two cards are the similar value, corresponding to a deuce and a deuce, you may also split them and play two separate hands. While a double down may also be played for any amount as much as your original wager, a split hand have to be for a similar amount originally bet.

Match your original bet and the dealer will handle the cards for you and get you started at the first hand. You're going to get a second card at the hand for your right. Then you definitely give you the chance of hitting, standing, or splitting again. You can also split to make as much as four hands at most casinos.

Some clubs allow the player to double down after a split, really helpful for the player.

You must always split aces, but if you receive a 10 on an ace you should have 21, not blackjack. Therefore you won't be paid 3-2.


Some casinos offer a surrender option: "early surrender," in the event you can take the choice before the dealer looks under a 10 for a blackjack; and "late surrender," in the event that they only allow surrender after the dealer peaks for blackjack.

Either surrender option can also be helpful for the player, as you're going to sometimes end up with a terrible hand like hard 15 or 16 against a dealer up-card of 10 or ace. In the event you use the surrender option, the dealer takes half your bet and your cards - you might be done with the hand.


Blackjack is the most well liked card game present in most casinos. The selection of decks used and other house rules change the casino's overall win expectation. However, so long as the casino offers many of the options presented here, you need to be capable of rejoice playing blackjack.

To improve your possibilities of winning, read some Tips and Method to increase your fun and get probably the most from your blackjack experience.

Read More... [Source: Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Monday, April 28, 2014



La AAMS abre una nueva vía a la liquidez compartida con España

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La próxima incorporación de las apuestas cruzadas en ambos mercados refuerza un proceso que está en estudio, según el presidente del regulador italiano.

Una de las incertidumbres que más intranquilidad genera entre los jugadores de poker online en España es la falta de noticias sobre una futura liquidez internacional con otros países del entorno que permita a las salas presentar mejores ofertas y que contribuya a resucitar el moribundo tráfico en las mesas.

Ojalá el señor Hernández se salte la agenda y responda. / SectordelJuego.Ojalá el señor Hernández se salte la agenda y responda. / SectordelJuego.

Después de meses de tenso silencio al respecto, ha sido el presidente de la AAMS, Amministrazione Autonoma dei Monopoli di Stato, el que ha vuelto a hacer referencia a un futuro entente entre los gobiernos de España, Italia y el Reino Unido.

El marco de las declaraciones de Francesco Rodano es una entrevista concedida a, al respecto de la próxima legalización de las apuestas cruzadas en el mercado italiano.

Si se mira hacia Europa, actualmente las apuestas cruzadas solo están reguladas en Reino Unido y pronto lo estarán en España. Se trata de dos jurisdicciones con las que la AAMS ha tenido, desde hace varios años, una estrecha colaboración. La posibilidad de conseguir una liquides compartida con estos países es muy interesante y actualmente está en fase de estudio preliminar.

Esta es una de las escasas frases salidas de boca de un responsable máximo del juego en nuestrazxona de influencia que reconoce que la liquidez compartida entre España, Italia y Gran Bretaña no es meramente un deseo o una posibilidad, sino un tema que está sobre la mesa y en marcha, aunque sea en una fase muy temprana.

El director de la DGOJ, Carlos Hernández, tiene una oportunidad perfecta para ampliar la información sobre un tema que todos consideramos vital para el desarrollo del juego online en España; en el encuentro con los operadores y las empresas certificadoras que tendrá lugar mañana, 29 de abril, para informar precisamente sobre la incorporación de las apuestas online y los slots online a la oferta permitida en nuestro país y la apertura de un nuevo de periodo de licencias para aprovechar la posibilidad de explotar estos productos.

Pero desde la DGOJ ya anuncian, por adelantado, que este tema no va a tener hueco en la agenda (vía SectordelJuego).

No se va a abordar el tema de la liquidez internacional porque no existe sobre este tema ninguna novedad respecto a lo ya dicho

Por ahora, Francia parece haberse desmarcado completamente del proyecto de compartir clientes con Italia y España, pero se une un país con mucho mayor potencial, el Reino Unido.

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Oye rugir las motos en el GP de Jerez con

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El torneo bien se podría llamar Poker&Gasolina pues sigue el modelo formato del torneo futbolero de los jueves. Por 1€, puedes ir a ver el GP de Jerez ¡en directo!

Quién te iba a decir que la noche del domingo 27 de abril, hoy mismo, se te iba a presentar la oportunidad única de ganar una entrada doble para el Gran Premio de Jerez del Mundial de Motociclismo, y todo gracias a

El torneo cuesta tan solo 1€ y empieza a las 20:00. PAra encontrarlo simplemente tienes que abrir tu lobby de torneos de -o de y buscar "MotoGP Jerez".

Allí podrás registrarte hasta una hora después del comienzo del torneo, a las 21:00, y podrás comprobar que hay entrada doble tanto para el primer clasificado como para el segundo. No va a haber derrotado en el heads-up, aunque los ganadores pelearán por una parte de la bolsa de premios y de los 100€ añadidos por

  • Cuando se juega: Domingo 27 de abril a las 20:00 (Hasta las 21:00 de late register).
  • Buy-in: 1€ (0’9€ + 0,1€
  • Premios: Los dos primeros clasificados conseguirán una entrada doble cada para el GP bwin de España (entre el 2 y el 4 de mayo). Se distribuye el prizepool generado por el buy-in entre los dos primeros clasificados y hay 100€ añadidos (también a repartir entre los dos primeros clasificados)

Enfunda bien los guantes, amarra las rodilleras y preparate a tumbar al límite en los all-ins para ganar tu entrada al mayor acontecimiento anual del mundo del motor en España. ¡A sus puestos de salida!

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