Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Five Best Casino Bets

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Ever wonder what the Five Best Casino Bets may well be? Well, the more you gamble the more you have to understand casino odds. But, if you wish to go on to the most productive bets, read on!

What Constitutes AN EVEN Bet?

Casinos offer players a possibility to gamble, but not all games are as player friendly as you may think. While you play a hand of blackjack with good rules for the player, the home might only have an fringe of a half-percent. That's awesome. Or, you could try a craps proposition bet like Any Seven and find that the home edge is 16.7 percent. Yikes!

So, on this case, the Five Best Casino Bets are all about low house edges. After all each bet is an independent trial, and no bets are certain to win!

#1 - Full Pay" Deuces Wild - 100.76%

Believe it or not, this video poker slot actually offers the player the brink! In fact it's a must to find the sport within the casino, and you've got to search out one who has this pay table:

  • Natural royal flush 800
  • Four deuces 200
  • Wild royal flush 25
  • Five of a type 15
  • Straight flush 9
  • Four of a sort 5
  • Full house 3
  • Flush 2
  • Straight 2
  • Three of a sort 1
  • And you must play perfectly!
#2 - Craps Odds - 100%

Yes, you read that right! While you take the percentages on a pass line bet or a no pass bet, you receives a commission the real odds of your number rolling before a seven. The home has no edge at all, so take those odds.

Of course you need to first make a pass or no pass bet. So, the chances are free, but you do must make that other wager first!

#3 - Multiple Pass and do not Pass Odds .13%

When you're making a pass or don't pass bet at craps, some casinos offer multiple odds, because the above section outlines. The upper the percentages offered, the lower your overall pass and do not pass bets may be as a mix with the chances. In other words, while you combine your odds bet together with your line bet, the total house edge falls:

  • Simple pass bet: 1.41 percent - Don't pass bet 1.36 percent
  • Pass bet with single odds: .85 percent - Don't pass with single odds: .7 percent
  • Pass bet with double odds: .61 percent - Don't pass with double odds: .47 percent
  • Pass bet with triple odds: .47 percent - Don't pass with triple odds: .35 percent
  • Pass bet with 5x odds: .33 percent - Don't pass with 5x odds: .23 percent
  • Pass bet with 10x odds: .18 percent - Don't pass with 10x odds: .13 percent
#4 - Baccarat 1.17%

Playing Baccarat is reasonably simple and the home edge is rather small! While you bet at the player, the home edge is simply 1.36, but if you bet the banker, the home edge falls all of the approach to 1.17 percent!

#5 - Advanced Blackjack .6%

Quantifying exactly what the home edge is at blackjack will also be tough as it is the only casino game where the percentages actually change in accordance with the cards far from previous hands. However, once a player learns the principles of blackjack they may be able to advance to learning basic strategy. And, with favorable rules, a player can expect to play almost in spite of the home - having just slightly higher than a half-percent disadvantage.

In fact, in the event you ever wondered if blackjack can really be beaten, it will possibly! It takes time to be told the most productive strategy, but an easy plus-minus or aces and fives strategy can actually turn a small house edge right into a small player edge. Wouldn't you desire to have the edge?

Read More... [Source: About.com Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Monday, January 27, 2014

Penny Slot Machines

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“What’s in a reputation? That which we call a rose by another name would smell as sweet.”

Those immortal lines were spoken by Juliet in Shakespeare’s classic play Romeo and Juliet. While there is truth in those lines once we are talking about flowers, it isn't necessarily the reality when applied to fit machines. The name “Penny Slot” could be best described by the expression, “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing.” Names will also be deceiving and finding the suitable name for a product can also be the variation between its success and failure. A part of that is seeing that we tend associate mental images or feelings to words that we hear.

Penny Slots – The most recent Innovation I'M often asked concerning the latest innovations hitting the casino floors and lately I'VE BEEN telling people who the freshest trend within the gaming industry was the introduction of the “Penny Slot Machines.” The reaction to this statement is often the similar; Laughter.

The cause of this reaction is that the penny is the bottom denomination of currency in our country. People can’t even name a product in the stores for a penny anymore. As a society we now have gotten used to hearing about big sums of cash. We've got become somewhat desensitized to hearing about large sums of cash. These days when million dollar slot machine jackpots are commonplace and winners of Poker tournaments become instant millionaires, it’s hard to think about the penny as having much value. However the slot makers and casinos have discovered how valuable pennies can really be. In truth they have got found that pennies really equal profits.

When we hear about penny slot machines the very first thing that involves mind is identical to sitting down and inserting a couple of copper” Abe Lincolns” into the machine and spinning the wheel in hopes of winning a dollar or two. Nothing might be farther from the reality.

Probably not a Penny Game The new slot machines are multi-line machines that may accept many coins per line. During the last few years the Slot Machine makers was adding more lines to their games. They've also increased the choice of coins that may be played on each line. This innovation was due primarily to the introduction of the “coinless machines” with bill acceptor and ticket out payoffs. This did away with the necessity to have a hopper stuffed with actual coins.A few years ago we saw a resurgence of the nickel slots because the choice of coins that may be played at the machines increased. The brand new games could take such a lot of coins per spin that it became cost prohibitive for lots of players to play maximum coins on the quarter level so the denomination of coins dropped all the way down to a nickel. Because the acclaim for the nickel games increased the slot makers desired to make games that will take much more coins per spin. A few of these games again became too expensive for the typical player to play maximum coins even on the nickel level. The following logical step was to drop the denomination down again to the penny.

The reason I call the penny slot machines a “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing is the truth that the price of playing maximum coins per spin at the new penny slot games can far exceed playing maximum coins in an old 3 coin dollar machine. I saw one slot machine on the gaming show that had a maximum bet of 1,600 coins. That’s $16 a spin. While this isn't the common game lots of them have 20 lines that may absorb to 50 cons per line which might be $10 a spin.

Penny Megabucks SOME TIME back IGT announced that it was introducing a penny version of its popular Megabucks game. Now the player could win millions with only some pennies. That can sound good until you investigate further. To win the progressive jackpot at the standard dollar Megabucks machine you have to be playing the utmost three coins per spin which equals $3. To win the progressive jackpot at the penny Megabucks game it's a must to be playing the utmost 300 coins per spin which equals $3. Now who’s kidding who?

Play With Caution If you desire to play the penny slot machines you must approach them with caution. Don’t just automatically hit the utmost spin button otherwise you could be in for an uncongenial surprise. Read the assistance screen and learn the way many coins it takes to have a gamble on the entire lines. Then decide what number of coins/credits you wish to risk per spin. You may also decide to start with 2 or3 on each line.

These new machines have the next hit frequency even supposing you may win back not up to your initial wager on a spin. Should you get ahead you'll be able to increase the selection of coins you play per line. If you're losing you'll be able to return to a single coin per line.

These new penny slot machines can also be fun to play. Just remember even a penny has value. The casinos know this and also you should too or even though they're called penny slots you can win or lose big dollars.

Until next time, remember: "Luck comes and goes...Knowledge Stays Forever."

Read More... [Source: About.com Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Methods to Play Four Card Poker

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Four Card Poker is another poker based game developed by Roger Snow of Shuffle Master. It's played at the same form of table and utilizes the Shuffle Master automatic shuffling machine that may be used for Three Card Poker. There are some similarities but there are some distinct differences within the game and techniques.

Four Card Poker is the same to a few Card Poker within the incontrovertible fact that it's two games in a single. The bottom game is the Ante-Play where you compete against the dealer as you do in Three Card Poker. The second one part of the games is named Aces Up and also you receive payment on a hand of a couple of aces or better in response to the pay table.

How To Play Four Card Poker is played with a 52 card deck on a Blackjack type table. There are three circles in front of every player marked: Aces Up, Ante and 1x to 3x Ante. The play begins with the player making independent wagers on either the Aces Up or Ante section of the sport or both by placing the bet within the corresponding circle. It's important to bet the similar amounts on each game should you chose to play both games.

Although it's called Four Card Poker the player is dealt five cards face down and must make the most efficient four card hand. The dealer is dealt six cards which might be used to make the most efficient four card hand. One of the most dealer’s cards is dealt face up.

Unlike Caribbean Stud and 3 Card Poker, the dealer doesn't must qualify to ensure that the sport to continue.After taking a look at your cards you'll be able to fold and lose your Ante bet or make an extra Play bet to continue. The minimum bet you can also make have to be equal for your original bet but you'll be able to elect to make a gamble as much as thrice the quantity of your original Ante bet.

Hand Rankings The ranking of hands for Four Card Poker differs from the standard five card poker hands. The order relies at the mathematical frequency of hands and is made using just four of your five cards. The hand rankings are as follows.:

Four of a Kind- Four cards of the similar rank. Straight Flush- Four cards of the similar suit in sequence. Three of a Kind- Three cards of the similar rank. Flush- Four cards of the similar suit. Straight- Four Cards in sequence.Two Pairs- Two cards of equal value and Two other cards of equal value. Pair of Aces- A COUPLE of aces.

After all of the players have made their playing decisions the dealer will turn over his hand after which the player’s hands. If the player’s hand beats the dealer’s hand they win the Ante bet and the Play bet. If the dealer wins the hand the player loses both bets. Within the event of a tie the player will win. Ties are in response to four cards only and the fifth card isn't used to wreck a tie.

Bonus Payment Four Card Poker also offers an Ante Bonus that may be paid along with the Ante and play bet, in response to the player’s hand for the Ante game. When you have a 3 of a sort you're paid 2 to one. When you have a straight flush you might be paid 20 to at least one. If in case you have four of a type you're paid 25 to one. You can be paid for the bonus regardless if the dealer beats your hand or not. (This pay schedule may vary in numerous casinos.

Strategy Should you choose to continue playing you need to bet either one time your Ante Bet or 3 times your Ante Bet. Never bet twice. You ought to have as much money wagered if you have the advantage which you'll have when strategy dictates making the bigger bet.

Shuffle Master has published a basic strategy that provides the players a 98.41 percent return at the game based for the combined Ante/Pay and Ante Bonus. The home edge is dependant at the pay schedule but can be around 3.63 percent. The method may be very simple to remember.

Bet 3 times your Ante in case you have a couple of Tens or better. Bet one times your Ante in case you have a pairs of three through 9. Fold if you may have not up to a couple of 3’s.

Based in this strategy you can see that you're going to fold about 47 percent of the time. You are going to bet 1 times 24 percent of the time. You are going to bet THRICE about 29 percent of the time. The player can expect to win about 70 percent of the days they bet the utmost.

Aces Up The Aces Up bet isn't suffering from the dealer’s hand. If the player has a couple of aces or better they are going to be paid for the Aces Up bet in line with the pay out schedule posted at the table. Although you lose your Ante bet you will collect for the Aces Up bet.The pay table for the Aces Up bet varies from casino to casino. Three of the tables are listed below.

Four Card Poker is a fun game with an effortless strategy that may be easy to make use of. Why not give it a try.

Until Next time remember: Luck comes and goes.....Knowledge Stays Forever.

Aces Up Pay Table

4 of a kind 50 to 1 50 to 1 50 to 1
Straight Flush 40 to 1 40 to 1 30 to 1
3 of a kind 9 to 1 7 to 1 7 to 1
Flush 6 to 1 6 to 1 6 to 1
Straight 4 to 1 5 to 1 5 to 1
2 Pairs 2 to 1 2 to 1 2 to 1
Pair of Aces 1 to 1 1 to 1 1 to 1

Read More... [Source: About.com Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

FullFlush a Krantz: “Le voy a regalar una operación de cirugía estética a la fea de tu novia”

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By • Oct 14th, 2009 • Category: Casino Noticias

Su último episodio lo ha protagonizado en el programa de
televisión “2 Months, $2 Million”, donde a través del chat de FullTilt lanzó
todo tipo de improperios contra Jason “pr1nnyra1d” Rosenkrantz, también
conocido como Krantz.

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Hansen recupera 400.000 $ en octubre

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By • Oct 14th, 2009 • Category: Casino Noticias

El “Gran Danés” ha
encontrado en las mesas de juegos mixtos de FullTilt Poker una bocanada de aire
fresco y acumula esta semana unos beneficios por valor de 400.000 dólares.

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La defensa activa de Gámez en el PCA

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Samuel Jiménez analiza una guerra en zona de robo entre el guatemalteco Daniel Gámez y el estadounidense Mike McDonald en la mesa final del PCA Bahamas.

Al contrario que en entregas anteriores de CSI Poker, los profesores de EducaPoker se han inspirado en la más rabiosa actualidad y se han fijado esta semana en una mano disputada en la mesa final del PCA Bahamas hace apenas unos días.

Una de las situaciones más desagradables que se pueden continuar viviendo a través de un torneo es que te toque un jugador como Mike McDonald en el botón cuando estás en la ciega grande.

Eso le ocurrió al guatemalteco Daniel Gámez, que vio como "Timex", que jugaba su cuarta mesa final de EPT, ponía en su punto de mira sus apuestas obligatorias.

En esta mano, Samuel Jiménez "Samy" analiza una poco habitual línea de defensa de Gámez, que se rebela ante las intenciones de un McDonald que aparece un hueso muy duro de roer.

Crea tu cuenta

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New Year's Resolution - Learn More Casino Games

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I always make some more or less New Year's Resolution, and i am successful about as often as most people, probably - I'd say about 20% of the time. Although that is not a large number, this can be a positive number, so on I'M GOING. Four years ago I NEEDED to play frequently Event of the WSOP, didn't quite happen. I played in an early tournament. Three years ago I WISHED to simply write and play poker, hasn't happened yet. Two years ago I NEEDED to be informed more Spanish. At this time I WILL ask where the toilet is and order beer. Last year I NEEDED to complete Vegas and the Mob, somehow I managed that.

This year I'm making my resolution something easy, something many of us should consider: learn some new casino games. While I admit that I DO KNOW somewhat a couple of good deal of games, there are a couple of I've never played, and that i are likely to play the similar games always. Not this year. That is the brand new me. That is the year that I take a seat and play games like Crazy 4 Poker, and Mississippi Stud. And, I'LL think up a brand new system for enjoying craps, because I LIKE craps and want one more reason to play more.

If you've never played craps, how come? Don't let the long table and dozens of bets scare you. It's really an effortless game whenever you take a couple of minutes to be informed the fundamentals. If you wish to have the entire rules and bets within the palm of your hand, it's possible you'll consider reading ABC's of Craps, by Mike Exinger. The book gets right to the purpose: craps is fun, and the chances are excellent for the player (should you steer clear of the horn). Exinger explains the entire bets, all of the names, and all of the reasons you would like to give it a try. The book's available for $3.99 at Kindle and Smashwords.

Read More... [Source: About.com Casino Gambling]

Slot Machine Essentials

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Slot machines are the most well liked casino games. They're easy to play and so they account for almost all of the cash taken in by the casinos. While many of us enjoy playing the slot machines, most don't seem to be acutely aware of how they operate. There are lots of myths surrounding how they work and the way they repay. This is some information to assist show you the way a slot machine works.

History of the Slot Machine

Charles Fey is credited with inventing the slot machine in 1897. No person could imagine the impact his invention would have at the gaming world.

How a Slot Machine Works

Ever wonder how slot machines can offer life changing Jackpots? The payback and frequency of hits is dependent upon the number reels and the collection of symbols on each reel. Modern slots are different from the old mechanical ones. Here's a have a look at how the slot machines operate.

Understanding the Random Number Generator

The Random Number Generator (RNG) is the brains of the slot machine. While most player know that there's a computer chip picking the numbers, they don't fully know how it really works and this may result in one of the crucial many myths and misconceptions a few slot machine.

Slot Machine Pay Back Percentages

Payback is the entire percentage that a machine will return to the player ultimately. The payback percentage is the profit that the casinos can expect to earn over the life of the machine. The common player won't ever play long enough to look the entire return.

Frequency versus Payback

There are two terms related to the slot machines which might be sometimes used interchangeably albeit incorrectly by the players. This is the variation and the way they affect you as a player.

How to Read a Slot Machine

Slot machines may look alike but there are some important differences within the form of game that may be being offered. You must read front of the machine to figure out the kind of games before you sit to play.

Progressive Slot Machines

Progressive slot machines offer jackpots which might be larger than usual. Often times these jackpots are big enough to be life changing. There also are some progressive machine

Read the assistance Screen

Some of the brand new video slot games may also be confusing. Although the brand new slots don not include a manual, they do offer the following neatest thing within the way of a Help Screen so we can explain how the sport is played. In case you are playing a game you never played before this is a good idea to spend a minute the assistance screen so that you understand the game.

Slot Myths

The slot machine is an electronic device that may be controlled by a pc chip. There are lots of myths and misconceptions about how a slot machine works. Many of us think they may be able to do something to switch the end result of the random number generator. Listed here are some answers to the preferred myths.

Read More... [Source: About.com Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Top Ten Texas Hold'em Poker Tells

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The game of poker can also be deceptively difficult. Texas Hold'em is just a little confusing while you start, but whenever you learn how to play poker the sport can lead even a terrible player to think they're on the subject of playing perfect!

A new player to the sport of golf doesn't think they need to tee it up with Tiger Woods and play for money! But everyday there are 1,000,000 poker players risking their hard-earned money in games they have got no business in. In fact, new players often think they're just pretty much as good as experienced players like Doyle Brunson. And there are several reasons for that.

The first reason is that TV poker games don't show every hand. They key on exciting hands and provides viewers tunnel vision - a distorted view of what was happening on any given table. There are lots of how one can manipulate your opponents, and there's plenty to be learned about those self same opponents, but those skills take years of practice to hone, and also you can't see that on TV.

However, you're capable of pick up a couple of tells from the players, especially because you get to look their hole cards. A tell is any mannerism or movement that a player makes subconsciously, or makes purposely looking to throw off the competition.

Tell Primary: Loose Talk, Tight Play

The the first thing you need to know about each opponent is what starting cards they are going to play. In Texas Hold'em, each players' two cards are known only to them, so that you need to learn their range of starting hands. And, your first clue to that is what number of hands they really play. A DECENT player is probably going to just find about one hand in 10 they honestly wish to play, but they'll even be all for blind hands.

Some players like to speak about the entire hands they play, why that they had to lift etc. But are they honestly playing numerous hands? Do not be fooled by loose talk and tight play. Simply count the hands they're inquisitive about. In the event that they fold a lot, expect the hands they do get entangled in to be all pocket pairs, face cards and face cards with an ace. Watch out!

Tell Number Two: Button Raises

Many players always raise from the cutoff or button if no other players are within the hand yet (and often when there just hasn't been a raise). Sure, they could have a hand, but don't toss your blind hand away each time they raise or they'll never stop!

Tell Number Three: Who's the Action Up To?

If a player is suddenly very all in favour of the action, maybe even asking, "Is it as much as me?" they probably found something they liked of their starting hand or at the board. Give 'em some credit for a hand and watch very closely when the hand is shown down. What do you see?

Tell Number Four: My Chips Are Neatly Stacked

Every player develops a habit of stacking their chips in a undeniable way. For probably the most part, players who've messy chips are looser and prone to simply be enjoying the sport. Conversely, players who've perfect stacks probably have a variety of time to organize them because they don't seem to be in very many hands. Watch and make sure this!

Tell Number Five: I WILL NOT Wait to Raise

A player who does the "insta-raise" is unlikely to be bluffing. They were just looking ahead to the action to get to them after which boom - there go the chips. I believe.

Tell Number Six: Calling to the Flush Draw

Players like to discover a reason to play every hand. When a player calls in late position pre-flop and just keeps calling all of the way, there's a good chance they try to hit a flush or a straight. Often, if two of a suit hits the flop and a 3rd suited card hits the river it spells danger. You could even check a lesser hand you have been betting in a limit game and stay up for that last player to behave. Then, you'll likely need to call their bet and hope they've something not up to a straight or a flush.

However, this works well, as it saves you having to name a raise, and often the player decides to make a last-ditch bluff. Enjoy.

Tell Number Seven: I'm Suddenly Quiet

Some players which might be normally talkative get very quiet after they hit a hand. Watch, and in the event that they suddenly raise, that's usually the tell - and the answer.

Tell Number Eight: I'm whistling or Singing a Tune

It's my experience that a player who raises pre-flop and at the flop, will sometimes attempt to act so non-nonchalant that they really whistle or sing a little bit tune once they bet at the turn or the river. That's usually an even tell for someone who has not improved their hand, acting happy or over-confident.

Te;; Number Nine: I AM NOT Moving

There is usually a reason when a player suddenly raises at the river and also you can't work out what they hit, because they were either there at the flop, or they missed completely. Although I'VE seen it both ways, in the event that they make the raise after which sit there, super still, it's more likely they're hardly breathing not to show fear and keep you from calling.

Tell Number Ten: I LOVE That Card

An almost involuntary move by many players is to right away take a look at their chips after they love a card that hits. Will be the flop, turn, or river. However, after they look down quickly, then act uninterested until it's their turn and so they raise, I'm usually convinced they hit something nice.

Learn Your personal Patterns

Specifically, tells are a subconscious movement or pattern. Often, these tells are most respected in no-limit hold'em. I've seen players announce their raise only after they were weak and just push their stack of chips to the center after they were strong. I also saw an ideal star player who was counting out his raise on a bluff and pushing several stacks without counting when he had the nuts. Oops.

However, crucial tell is the only you give to the opposite players. Don't use the similar method on every occasion you bet or raise. Do one method on strong hands several times after which use it again on a bluff, or after you have caught on a bluff, use the similar method the following time you could have a monster.

Read More... [Source: About.com Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Atlantic Club Casino Closing January 13

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The Atlantic Club Casino is scheduled to near just after the primary of the year. The general day of operations can be January 12, with closure tomorrow. Although the once lavish casino, first opened by Steve Wynn because the Golden Nugget in 1980, was worth $500 million in 2005, that may be not the case. In fact, Rational Group (PokerStars) was set to pay just 10% of that price a couple of months back before they were turned down for a gaming license. Now, that price appears to was a limiteless overpayment!

When the valuables went to auction last week it sold for half what Rational Group was offering. In an enchanting twist, Caesars and the Tropicana split the cost, with Caesars taking the building and property for $15 million and the Tropicana took the slots (1,600+) and other gaming equipment for $8.4 million. The closure puts greater than 1,500 workers in the street and leaves an empty building at the boardwalk, but pruning the dying branches of Atlantic City's tree of gaming will benefit the opposite casinos.What little business the Atlantic Club had can be easily swallowed-up by its neighbors, strengthening the ground lines of clubs at the Atlantic Coast.

Along the Gulf Coast, the casinos of Louisiana are enjoying a small increase in gross revenues because the Margaritaville Resort Casino in Bossier City opened in August and the Isle of Capri Lake Charles opened a brand new hotel tower. Around the state, Louisiana has enjoyed increased tourism, but even three years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill Mississippi coast beaches are still accumulating tar balls and in July (2013) a 40,000 pound tar mat near East Grand Terre, Louisiana was discovered, prompting the closure of industrial fishing across the area.

Read More... [Source: About.com Casino Gambling]

Casino Careers Online

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Casino gambling continues to expand world wide. Yearly there are new casinos opening in existing markets and new venues around the globe. The growth of casino gambling is now global with casinos opening in Russia, South America, Macau and other countries.

When the general public take into consideration employment within the gaming industry they naturally bring to mind the dealers and casino personnel. It’s only natural to think this manner because those individuals are those out front and within the public eye. But the gaming industry is greater than what you notice at the gaming floor.

Casino corporations employee thousand of people that may never step foot at the casino floor. Casinos are hiring employees from every area of the business world. Casino jobs, Food and Beverage, Hotels, Accounting and clerical areas simply to name a couple of. They're trying to fill entry level positions right as much as the senior management level.

Because of the worldwide employment put it up for sale is hard to fill positions in line with a localized employment search. Both employers and perspective employees within the gaming industry need a way to seek out one another. Since 1998 Casino Careers Online was helping to succeed in that goal.

How It really works Casino Careers Online is the world’s largest Internet-based recruitment web page designed specifically for the gaming-hospitality industry with over 55,000 applicants and greater than 300 clients recruiting from their site. Companies register to access the resume database and post their career opportunities. Applicants apply on to Job Postings in the course of the website online. There is not any charge for an applicant seeking employment or posting their resumes.

With only one click casinos can mass email all candidates they have got identified using their individualized selection criteria. In addition, they're automatically notified when a brand new candidate having their sought-after qualifications posts a resume. Clients too can provide candidates with an immediate link to their website online and post press releases publicizing job fairs and expansions.

Candidates have the opportunity to post their resumes in either open access or confidential format. They may be able to update their resumes at any time and email clients a link to their online resume in real time. Thousands of candidates who've posted resumes on the net site have landed positions in land-based, riverboat, Native American and cruise line gaming companies, in addition to technology firms.

In addition to the strength of its website and client base, what sets Casino Careers aside from other employment services is their strong take care of personalized one-on-one customer support. The candidates who post resumes and the casinos that need quality employees in any respect levels of the business from dealers to top executives will each receive the top level of private attention from the employees at Casino Careers.

The site offers greater than just employment listings. Based on requests from their candidates, they have got created an internet page designed to offer you with information and tips to improve your career. You can see Education links to varsities teaching gaming related subjects for those new to the sphere. There also are many links to Professional Alliances to assist advance your career.

Whether you're seeking immediate employment within the gaming industry or on the lookout for a career move you need to check out Casino Careers online. Since their start in 1998 the have grown to be probably the most successful and revered employment service for the gaming industry.

Casino Careers covers all levels of employment. CEO Beth Diegan said, "Senior executives who've been displaced, or who're seeking advancement within the gaming-hospitality & gaming technology companies should visit Casino Executive Search to post a resume in an absolutely confidential database that may be only accessed by the employees of Casino Executive Search. They are going to be personally contacted by the CES staff about open positions for which their skills and experience are a match."

Until Next time remember: Luck comes and goes.....Knowledge Stays Forever.

Read More... [Source: About.com Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Super Bowl Handicapping System

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Extra money is bet at the Super Bowl every year than some other sporting event. Everybody thinks they are able to predict the winner but it’s hard to do it on a consistent basis. MANY YEARS ago I fell upon the program and feature used it for analyzing the sport. I USED TO BE quite surprised after I saw the consequences. Unfortunately I don’t know who devised the program as I NEED give them proper credit for it.

This system claims it was tested over the past 39 Super Bowls and has a record of 33 – 4 – 2. (I ACTUALLY didn't return and locate the entire stats for the former years but have seen the consequences for the last five years.)Last year it was a loser when the Colts won the sport. It's going to take some digging find the stats but they're available on-line. A lot of them can also be obtained by visiting the official NFL website

Super Bowl Handicapping Super Simple System

Unless noted use stats for normal season only.

1. Award 10 points if a team has won a great Bowl within the last THREE years. 2. Award 8.0 points to any team whose OPPONENT is playing of their first actual Super Bowl in Franchise history. 3. Award 8.0 points to the team that has allowed the less defensive rushes 4. Award 7.0 points to the team with the most productive OVERALL SU win/loss record including playoffs 5. Award 7.0 points to the team with probably the most offensive rushes. 6. Award 5.0 points to the team with the lower defensive rush average per carry. 7. Award 4.0 points to the team that has the most productive net kick-punt Touch Down returns. 8. Award 4.0 points to the team the team with the easier ATS record. 9. Award 4.0 points to the team that has some of the best NET penalty yards. 10. Award 3.5 points to the team that has the most efficient yards per pass attempt. 11. Award 3.5 points to the team that has given up the fewest points. 12. Award 3.5 points to the team that has allowed the fewest rushing Touch Downs. 13. Award 3.0 points to the team that has essentially the most sacks. 14. Award 2.5 points to the team with the fewest offensive pass attempts. 15. Award 2.0 points to the team that had the most efficient NET punts (total) at the year. 16. Award 1.5 points to the team with the most productive average per offensive rush. 17. Award 1.0 points to the team with the most efficient completion percentage.

I won’t come up with all of the stats for this years game. That takes the thrill out of the work interested in using it to search out the winner. Call to mind it as a large scavenger hunt with the reward being that you'll have the winning side. (Maybe)

DISCLAIMER: I make no claims to the systems accuracy and this isn't an endorsement to gamble illegally.

Until Next time remember: Luck comes and goes.....Knowledge Stays Forever.

Read More... [Source: About.com Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Zynga Finally Launches Real Money Poker Games on Facebook

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Zynga has finally launched real money poker games on Facebook however it could also be too little too late to avoid wasting the embattled game company.

Zynga was on top of the arena when its Facebook games equivalent to CityVille and FarmVille were the entire rage however the company was slow to catch on that players might quickly get bored of incessantly bugging family and friends on Facebook for help with building their chicken coops.

Zynga Poker was some of the company's original titles and one of the crucial few that experience stood the test of time and it's now finally making the leap to the web gambling realm, although in a limited fashion.

Facebook users within the U.K. can now play Zynga Plus Poker on Facebook for real money, marking the primary time that Zynga Poker fans can battle it out for anything rather than play chips. Zynga Poker regularly draws millions of players from around the globe but only U.K. residents can currently play for real money.

Via a partnership with PartyPoker Zynga had offered a downloadable real money poker client to residents of the united kingdom.. since April 2013 but this marks the primary time that Facebook players can log into their Zynga Poker accounts and play for real cash.

Zynga had promised investors that real money gambling will be the ace up its sleeve when its results cratered as players began leaving its game en masse but in recent quarters it has largely folded on its gambling ambitions.

It had hoped to eventually offer real money slots and poker games to players within the U.S. but getting approval in Nevada and New Jersey (two of the 3 U.S. states that currently allow online gambling for residents) proved tougher than Zynga had bargained for, with the corporate abandoning those plans in late 2013. 

Read More... [Source: Live Casinos - The Land Based Casinos in Europe]

Tips on how to Play Free Bet Blackjack

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Learning easy methods to play "Free Bet Blackjack" won't take greater than 10 minutes. It helps in case you already know how to play blackjack, but even though you don't, this short course offers you the fundamentals so that you can benefit from the game.

Free Bet Blackjack is sort of just what it sounds like, because after your initial wager you get to make your double-downs and split pair wagers free of charge! The sport has already undergone a field trial and is approved by the Nevada Gaming Control Board, but is currently only offered on the Golden Nugget in downtown Las Vegas. However, the game, invented by Geoff Hall, is sent by Shuffle Entertainment, so that you can expect to peer it at clubs all around the country someday (in accordance with the superb results on the Nugget). The sport itself has already undergone a couple of changes, including the removal of early surrender, but don't worry, the home edge is under .7 percent for the sport played with 3-2 on blackjack.

How to Play Free Bet

Free Bet Blackjack is played with a typical English deck of cards, no jokers or wild cards are used. Standard blackjack rules apply, table minimums and maximums apply, and blackjack pays 3-2 at the game offered out of a six-deck shoe. However, the Golden Nugget also offers the games on a single deck table where blackjack pays just 6-5, like the games they provide on the H20 Pool area with the bikini-clad dealers.

Rules at no cost Bet
  • Free double-down anytime on hard 9, 10, or 11.
  • Free splits on all pairs except Tens and 4′s
  • Up to Four free re-splits, including Aces
  • Free double-down after (free) split
  • Normal double on any two cards, including after (free) split

So what constitutes free? Whilst you reach a troublesome total of 9, 10 or 11, even after drawing cards, you'll double-down at the house's money! That's right. You are making your regular wager to get dealt a hand, then the home matches that wager any time you reach 9, 10 or 11 and double down. They match it with a different button and in case your hand wins, it gets paid an identical quantity as your original wager. You do not risk any further money! It's also possible to double down on other hands for those who wish, by yourself money, including after a split, even though it was a free split (comparable to doubling down on soft hands).

The standard rules of blackjack don't seem to be changed on Free Bet Blackjack, so that you can still double-down on hands rather than 9, 10, 11 and you'll still split your 4's (maybe against a FIVE OR SIX) and your tens (are you actually sure about doing that?) when you want, but you will not get a free bet to do it with.

This same free bet is obtainable any time you split a couple (except 10's and 4's). You too can resplit again for free, making as much as a complete of 4 hands, inspite of aces. Then, after a free split, you will get a free double-down.

So, What is the Catch for the Freebies?

Yes, Virginia, there's a catch to pay for the freebies! Identical to in blackjack switch, all dealer hands totaling 22 become a push, as opposed to a win for the player. The home edge remains to be small at the 6-deck shoe game, so don't let this rule freak you out, it is a fair trade-off.

Basic Strategy totally free Bet

The most blatant change in strategy is to double down (totally free) on 9, 10 or l1 against any dealer up-card. Likewise, it would be best to split (without cost) on any pair except 4's (against 5 and six up-card only), on 5's (free double), and on 10's (don't split).

For soft hands, only double down against a dealer 6 up-card with soft 16, 17 and 18. However, should you get a free split after which have a soft 16 through soft 20, double-down (not free) against a dealer 6-up. Also double down (after a free split) against a dealer 5 up-card with a soft 17 through 19. Don't double on another soft hands.

The game with come up with quite a lot of extra chances to win free money without risking a great deal of your own, that is a really perfect advantage at any gambling game. At most sessions of blackjack the adaptation between winning and losing is hitting your double-downs and splits. Free Bet won't be any different, but you'll risk less and whilst you do hit your splits and doubles, you will have a pleasing win!

Read More... [Source: About.com Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Durrrr Challenge: Tom comienza octubre mandando

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By • Oct 14th, 2009 • Category: Casino Noticias

El miércoles 7 de octubre tuvo lugar otra cita del archifamoso
Durrrr Challenge, que enfrenta desde hace meses a Patrik Antonius y Tom Dwan. Tras 25,145 manos jugadas, Tom
aventaja en $697,532 a Antonius.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 14th, 2009 at 4:55 pm and is filed un Casino Noticias der . You can follow any responses to this entry throughout the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the tip and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.


Read More... [Source: Casinos en linea]

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Gamble It Up At the World's Largest Cruise Ships

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If you prefer to gamble while you cruise chances are you'll in addition go big and take a look at your luck on one of the world's largest cruise ships.

Plenty of cruise ships now offer casinos and the danger to gamble but many are smaller casinos tucked away in a corner. In case you really need to experience the perfect in cruise ship gambling you will have to step up your game.

Below we've listed one of the world's largest cruise ships, that specialize in those equipped with casinos and other offerings to fulfill that gambling craving standard whilst you cruise the high seas.

Oasis of the ocean: Royal Caribbean cruise lines has several entries within the world's largest gambling cruise ship list however the Oasis of the ocean might top all of them. Not just is the ship over 1,000 feet long nevertheless it also offers an 18,000 square foot casino complete with nearly 500 slot machines and 27 gaming tables. You'll also get quick cocktail service while gambling because the Oasis of the ocean prides itself on a staff to passenger ratio of 1 crew member for each three passengers.

Norweigan Epic: As you may expect, the Norweigan Epic is an excessively big boat, checking in at 1,081 feet long. You'll be able to enjoy live Cirque du Soleil shows on board and check out a couple of spins yourself within the Epic Casino, which offers a chic atmosphere with hundreds of slots in addition to table games including blackjack, craps, and roulette.

Freedom of the Seas: This Royal Caribbean cruise liner is simply over 1,100 feet long and gives a number of gambling options, although its casino is slightly smaller than the only on Oasis of the ocean. The Vegas-style Casino Royale casino has over 10,000 square feet of gaming floor and over 300 slots and 19 table games to select from, including popular options akin to blackjack and roulette.

Queen Mary 2: Cunard Line's flagship cruise liner offers up fun in large doses, although its casino is at the cozy side. Two different gambling areas feature just over 100 slots and 12 gaming tables in total, with players given the choice of trying their luck at blackjack, three card poker, craps, roulette, and Caribbean Stud poker.

Royal Princess: Princess Cruise Lines weighs in with its 1,083 foot long cruise ship that gives various great casino options comparable to the usual fare of slots and blackjack in addition to progressive jackpots on many games and daily bingo games, if that is what floats your boat in the case of more casual, social gambling.

Read More... [Source: Live Casinos - The Land Based Casinos in Europe]

Tips on how to Play Blackjack Bonus Bets

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Blackjack bonus bets are designed to be easy to grasp and straightforward to play. They accompany the usual blackjack bet and should be made before you receive your first two cards. When you discover a nice comfortable chair and a friendly dealer, search for the table minimum and maximum sign after which sit if the bet levels match your bankroll.

You need to have the ability to sit back, relax and feature fun, so it's always advisable to start out at a table that provides a snug limit with reference in your gambling bankroll. If you wish to start with a one hundred-dollar buy-in, a $5 minimum-bet table may well be excellent for you. A $25 table limit would probably be too high to start out at. If the blackjack itself is intimidating, read up on tips on how to play blackjack, first.

The dealer will make change in chips to your cash buy-in and can can help you with minimums and maximums at the bonus bets, but most can also be made for $1. Bonus bets stand alone from the regular blackjack bet and are often called side-bets; they're optional wagers with brand names like Royal Match, Progressive Blackjack and Lucky Ladies. To play the bonus bet, place a minimum wager of $1 within the circle for the side-bet next for your regular blackjack bet. The bonus bet is paid independent of whether you win your regular bet or not.

Each bonus bet offered has a payoff table located at the blackjack table. For those who don't see one, ask the dealer what the payoffs are for his or her bonus bets and they're going to point them out or get you a brochure with the entire rules and payoffs.

Bonus bets are a fun diversion and offer added excitement to the sport of blackjack. However, because bonus bets usually offer the casino a far higher advantage per dollar bet than the usual blackjack bet, players are advised to play bonuses sparingly.

Most casino bonus bets are available different variations and the casino advantage could also be depending on the collection of decks used. Some bets can be found at just one casino and a few can be found at many because they're sponsored by companies like Shuffle Master and Mikohn Gaming.

To know the way the casino edge works, understand that the common blackjack player is playing at a few 2.5 percent disadvantage to the home. Over the long run, the player will lose about 2.5 cents for every dollar wagered.

Player-friendly bonus bets like Straight 8's and Sweet Sixteen are at the low end of the casino edge at just 2.7 percent. Higher percentage bets like Royal Match, Match The Dealer, Hi/Low, and Bonus Spin, have a casino fringe of 3.5 percent to 8.6 percent. Lucky Ladies, Magic Jack and Wheel of Madness have a casino fringe of 17 percent to 24 percent. At the periphery are games like Perfect Charlie, with a home fringe of 38.9 percent.

Read More... [Source: About.com Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]